Turn to Rome.
No announcement yet.
Lung's FAST! pbem - Part IV
Yay! It seems as though in every game, Jon needs the turn sent to him twice
Now i can look forward to finally emerging from anarchyWhy does CTP always make me wait the maximum 4 turns to change governments?? It PISSES ME OFF!!!
[This message has been edited by Lung (edited February 14, 2001).]
Turn to Lung.
To the australian leader:
Congratulations. You are the third nation turning to democracy.
Public announcement:
Roman scientists has found a new way of transport. Using iron for other purposes than cannonballs and guns, we now know how lay "roads" of 2 long bars of iron down on the ground and keep a certain distance between them all the time.
Other scientist are working with the power of overheated water - something called steam.
We belive these scientific breaktrough can lead to something useful to our great nation.
Senator Maximus.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
The world has been at peace for some time now. Perhaps it would be pertinent for the world's armies to stand down from a position of advanced military alertness? If other nations agree, then Australia shall show the way by being the first to do so
My ISP had problems, which don't seem to be completely fixed. Turn 120 to Stavros.