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World Scenario part III

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  • #61
    (turn to
    Visit my Band-Homepage


    • #62
      Turn to Thor


      • #63
        Turn -> The Americans


        Does the esteemed representative of the Zulu people wish us to teleport him back home?
        King Thor


        • #64
          The first American Longship is a fact!
          A diplomat has been boarded and heading overseas.
          First destination, Europe. And after that to the rest world with the hope of establishing an embassy to improve our relations with the rest nations of the world.

          Turn 63 to Swissy.


          • #65
            Turn 63 to Aaginor.

            More new Zulu diplomatic missions are ahead.

            The diplomat in Europe has got orders to go east - if possible. He has to cross both german and assyrian territory, but we hope, this will be allowed.

            Another zulu diplomat has borded the greatest ship ever seen in Zululand. Oared by not less than 260 free workers and soldiers. Destination - the unknown great sea.

            Aegnor and Shaka.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #66
              (turn to
              Visit my Band-Homepage


              • #67
                Turn -> thor


                • #68
                  Turn -> Keygen


                  Noble Assyrians, please do not be alarmed by the recent troop movements. The battalion was ordered to move forward in order to allow the Zulu diplomatic envoy to go through our front line and proceed onward to the Japanese.

                  We are pleased to see that the "Era of War" has ended with the reign of Creator. Now a new age of diplomacy and dialogue has emerged. We too shall part-take in this diplomatic future, and soon we will have our on diplomatic envoys ready to be dispatched to all the nations of the world.
                  King Thor


                  • #69
                    Turn 64 to Swissy.


                    • #70
                      64 to The Bird Man

                      I hope the Germans will leave an opening for my diplomat, I will do the same when your diplomat comes. I have a nice road that leads to Japan.
                      "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                      • #71
                        -Out of Turn-

                        To The Zulu Dictator:
                        Does the Great leader of the Zulus wish us to escort the Zulu diplomat on his way to the lands of Nippon? For in between lies a great expanse on unexplored territory that is frought with danger. Or perhaps the Zulu dictator will accept the Assyrian's leader's kind offfer.

                        To Ayotollah Swissy of the Assyrians:
                        Indeed, we will create an opening for your diplomatic envoy. Rest assured he will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy.

                        Once we have trained an able diplomat, we will make certain that his first mission will be to establish an embassy in your fine nation to take our dialogue and co-operation to the next level, for you are our closest neighbor and may become a valuable friend.

                        King Thor


                        • #72
                          Problem in getting my turn "out" of the mailserver. Think I made it.

                          Playing turn 64 in 2-3 hours.

                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • #73
                            Turn 64 to Aaginor 16 hours ago.

                            My diplomat on the north prefers to travel alone as no babarians has been seen for a long time.

                            Afterall these many soldiers in this area are good for something
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • #74
                              (turn to

                              So things have changed again at the face of the world. How fast people start to forget about what happened and what was done. I can smell the blade beyond the beautiful flowers. The ones who were once the slavers and stormbringers are now the nobles.
                              Did you all have closed your eyes? Can't you hear the cries of all the thousands of slaves in assyrian cities? Aren't the japanes cities of Yokohama and Hiroshima still in the crushing grasp of the assyrians? Didn't they still threat the japanese as low-life scum, that they can push around at will?
                              But be assured that the dragon will be cautious about all your movements toward the japanese people. I once sacrificed my pride for the very life of my nation. Time will tell wheter this sacrifice was worth it at all.

                              Aaginor, Warrior-King of the Japanese
                              Visit my Band-Homepage


                              • #75
                                All is peacefull in Brasilia, as another settler ventures forth to create a new trading post.

                                Turn -> Thor

