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World Scenario part III

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  • #46
    Seve has (or should have) a turn 61 with Aaginor "nexted" from the 23. december 2000. But I don't think he has taken his turn yet.

    Therefore - just now - I have forwarded turn 60 to Aaginor. If Aaginor recieves the turn, play it and hurries to forward that to Steve, before Steve takes action on the turn from me, this should be ok?!

    Confused? Well, we will get used to it

    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • #47
      nothing received


      • #48
        Well - then Aaginor HAS to play and send his turn to you within the next 8-10 hours. Else I will resend turn 61 (with Aaginor nexted).

        And this should be this. Aaginor will loose one turn - and I have seen, that this turn he would "loose" would do him very much harm.

        I do know I should have closed my eyes when turning him next - but you all knows very well, that no-one can do that.

        I would - but I couldn't.

        Therefore Aaginor - pls play and send!

        Edit: Due to mail from Aaginor.

        [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited December 27, 2000).]
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • #49
          I agree BirdMan.
          But only for 8-10 hours .


          • #50
            Turn 61 to Steve with cc to aaginor.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #51
              First time I got turn 60 without turn 60 (what means, that The Birdman forgot to attach the file)
              Second time, I got turn 60 with the attachement
              Third time, 13 hours later, I recieved the turn where I was probably nexted, the turn of the brasilians ...

              You guys want confusing me, ain't you? But you have to raise up really early, to confuse something like Aaginor

              I have sent the turn I played to Stavros (this is turn 61)
              Visit my Band-Homepage


              • #52
                Nope my boy .

                First time the attachment was "deleted" by the system as you didn't have space on your mailbox. You got the message but not the attachment. That's perfectly normal.

                Second time - my "system" (MS Exchange) obviously had succes in delivering the mail (it continues for 24 hours) though the postmaster (an systemaccount) mailed me, that your mailbox was full.

                Third time - if you look closer - you was "just" cc to Stavros (turn 61 with you nexted).

                Master of the IT.

                But you do confuse us from time to time
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #53
                  Turn 61 to Swissy.


                  • #54
                    61 to The Bird Man
                    "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                    • #55
                      Turn 61 to Aaginor.

                      A borderline between my nation and the Assyrians has been established. We hope and believe, that this new border will be respected by our neighbour.

                      And now I think, I have time to join the great counsil of Zulu HighPriests. Time to relax and seek new wisdom through meditation and conservation with the oldest.

                      Dictator Aegnor.

                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • #56
                        (turn without confusion to )
                        Visit my Band-Homepage


                        • #57
                          Turn -> Keygen

                          Germany continues its struggle to improve the lives of its people. The long war has left our infrastructure in shambles. The peoples' most basic needs are not being met. Our nation must fight another war. A war against poverty and famine. The once mighty German people now belong to the weakest nation in the world. But we will fight, and we will strive to rebuild our empire to heights never seen or dreamt before.

                          King Thor


                          • #58
                            Turn 62 to Swissy.


                            • #59
                              62 to The Bird Man
                              "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


                              • #60
                                Turn 62 to Aaginor
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


