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  • The Technocracy has decreed that it will forever banish the spectre of Nuclear War with the completion of the Nanite Difuser in two cycles...

    Illuminatus Prime
    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • Turn 130--> deleted

      Assyrico is fully cognizant of the excellent environmental record of Wales, and is sympathetic to their recent loss. But the figures reflecting another catastrophe coming was alarming, and as one of the two major polluters now on this planet, Wales was asked to make an effort to reduce this problem.

      But more recent figures shows we all have a little more breathing room before a disaster occurs then was thought, and we also agree that the Gaia Controller would provide an excellent solution.

      We ask whether Rome would be willing to construct the Gaia Controller? Not only would you gain the gratitude of the whole world, but would also gain 25% more food for all Roman cities! Might the powerful Romans have the resources to build such a wonder, from which all peoples would benefit?

      CEO, Assyrico Worldwide


      • Turn 131 to Demosthenes

        Egypt has begun construction on two additional recycling plants, and more are planned in the near future.

        Although Egypt believes that the Nanite Defuser is a laudable achievement; it is the opinion of the board that the Gaia controller would benefit Rome more. As the nuclear threat can be avoided with out it, where as it is doubtful the a global calamity is avoidable without the Gaia Controller.
        Sophanthro was deleted


        • Turn 131 ==> Mobius

          Strange that despite the constant threat of natures delicate balance being disrupted, the great capitalists of the world insist on building every wonder apart from Gaia Theory.

          This is not to be taken as a slur upon Roma-Tech, for we are well aware of the environmental benefits of eliminating nuclear weapons, but we are also well aware of your productive capabilities, and the length of time you have been in possession of the secrets of Gaia Theory.

          Rick, CEO of Assyrico Worldwide, we at Taffs CMC Ltd have asked to exchange advances, for if nobody else will take up the burden of saving the world, we will willingly do so. Wales knows only too well the devastating effects of global pollution, and we do not wish to suffer it's consequences again.

          Should you find our offer of Unified Physics for Gaia Theory unacceptable, then perhaps another deal can be struck. Please consider Taffs CMC Ltd to be your flexible friend on this issue.

          However, if you do not wish to divulge this knowledge, we insist that Assyrico Worldwide, or even Roma-Tech, start construction of this wonder immediately.

          In the meantime we have sent an internal memo to all Welsh cities ordering that waste and emmissions be reduced, utilising every available avenue.




          • While the Technocracy of Rome respects the suggestions of our peers, we feel that our interests would be better served by removing the clear and present danger of Nuclear Conflict, before undertaking the Holy Grail of the Gaia Controller when the next threat of Global catastrophe is so far off...

            Illuminatus Prime
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • While the Technocracy of Rome respects the suggestions of our peers, we feel that our interests would be better served by removing the clear and present danger of Nuclear Conflict, before undertaking the Holy Grail of the Gaia Controller when the next threat of Global catastrophe is so far off...

              Illuminatus Prime
              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • While the Technocracy of Rome respects the suggestions of our peers, we feel that our interests would be better served by removing the clear and present danger of Nuclear Conflict, before undertaking the Holy Grail of the Gaia Controller when the next threat of Global catastrophe is so far off...

                Illuminatus Prime
                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • Turn 131--> deleted

                  Demosthenes, we are pleased to accept your trade, although we have heard rumours that Taffs CMC Ltd actually plans to build a "Ganja" Controller, instead of a Gaia controller.

                  While we have no problem with this, we wish to point out that there may be other nations whose drug policies may not be as enlightened as the corporate state of Assyrico, so tread carefully, lest your operation go up in smoke.

                  CEO, Assyrico Worldwide Conglomahugeco


                  • Those of us here at Taffs CMC Ltd are well aware of the profit potential of recreational drugs, and so the only form of 'ganja' controller we would condone would come in the form of taxes or stocks and shares.

                    It is not wise to deny the population of Wales their luxuries, for this would make them less productive. But monitiring, and gaining, a percentage of sales of said herb are defintely an area into which the Taffs board of directors are looking at moving.



                    • Turn 132 to Demosthenes

                      Sophanthro was deleted


                      • Turn 132 ==> Mobius

                        Taffs CMC are currently drawing accepting tenders from Welsh subsidiaries. The most swift and cost effective plan will win the contract to construct a device that will ensure the safety of humanity by controlling and eliminating the pollution that we create.

                        However, it is expected that even the most well planned tender could not hope to compete against some of our rivals companies, whose access to capital and production far outweigh anything the Welsh can offer.



                        • One of the greatest steps yet taken in the interests of averting World pollution was today unveiled at Caesarea II - The Nanite Defuser!!!

                          All the nations of the World can now rest easy in the knowledge that Nuclear Catastrophe has been averted!

                          The Technocracy has decreed that building the Gaia Controller now would be inefficient, as the potential for environmental disaster will not be upon us for many years to come...

                          Illuminatus Prime
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • Turn 132--> deleted

                            Plans are now underway to begin converting fallout shelters into wine cellars...


                            • Turn 133 ==> Mobius


                              You are in direct violation of Welsh soverignty! Not only do we still have to endure your vultures of the sky, but now you send you creatures of the deep to plague us.

                              Taffs CMC is not a threat to your company in any way or form. We cannot match your population, production capabilities, capital investment, or your battle hardened security forces. This blatant and constant harrassment and intimidation will not be endured very much longer. We demand that you turn back your submarines and stealth bombers, immediately.

                              The only reason our board of directors can see for you to be persisting in this course of action is so that you can make a 'hostile takeover', and the only way to prove otherwise is to withdraw.



                              • You will do well to remember that Caligula and his Fascist minions are no more...

                                The forces of the Technocracy of Rome pose no immediate thread to your precious Corporation. Our Submarine is indeed not trespassing on any of your cities and the Spy Plane is merely enjoying on a small scale what the Welsh benefit from daily with GlobeSat...

                                Your empty threats are of no concern to the Technocracy, as we have found a higher calling...

                                Illuminatus Prime
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

