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Demos Game

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  • #76
    Hmm Egypt's primary communication system appears to be malfunctioning.
    Sophanthro was deleted


    • #77

      Turn resent to new address...old one still seems to be out.


      • #78
        Turn 121 to Demosthenes

        Sophanthro was deleted


        • #79
          Turn 121 ==> Mobius

          Shock horror , Rome has suddenly dropped her pollution by such magnitudes that defy belief. How is it that only now, after so many have perished, that you find the ability to clean up your act?

          As for repairations, we never sought nor expected any, but are unsurprised by your need to make a public statement of how Wales will not benefit from your new found generosity.

          All we in Wales ever wanted was to be left in peace of our island, which we are still unable to do with your stealth planes circling above our heads, and your submarines lurking beneath the water. We mount coastal patrols to keep an eye on our closest neigbour, who has rarely been neighbourly.

          Do not try to refute this, we can see your stealth vehicles on Welsh territory and on the Welsh coast. We have given up requesting that you stop tresspassing, as it seems to fall upon deaf ears.

          [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited October 31, 2000).]


          • #80
            Power your mail with the ZX engine, hah. Are they joking? Anyways my zxmail account is to put it kindly a pain in the ass . So please send my turns to


            I'm sending an email to everyone on my ctp list. Mail might get thru to my zxmail account, but sending mail there is like playing russian roulette.

            Oh one last thing I will be unable to play my turns from Nov 22 - Nov 28. I'll be looking for subs; and Christmas break is looking sketchy but that's way to far away to say anything for sure.

            Now to cut and paste this message all over Apolyton.
            Sophanthro was deleted


            • #81

              Turn 121--> deleted

              What a difference a day makes...64 turns to the next disaster, with Assyria now showing the lowest pollution levels of the planet. Not that I trust these figures!

              Great thanks are due Rome for their help during Assyria's time of need. We are indeed stunned by the generosity of the people of Caligula's nation. The widows and orphans of the flood will find solace from your largess and their children will hold your name dear for generations!

              The winter palace by the sea has been mopped of the last remnant of flood waters, and having decided that it is now safe, King Rick has returned from his bunker in the mountains.


              • #82
                Turn 122 ==> Demosthenes

                Press Release
                Egypt's COO Osar Gesafat announced today the pollution levels are expected rise within Egypt. He stated that this action should be temporary. Stating that pollution had been kept at unrealistic levels in the past, and had inhibited production; pollution will be brought back in line shortly, once the necessary structures are in place.

                On a lighter note Egypt has entered the genetic age with the discovery of robotics.
                Sophanthro was deleted


                • #83
                  Turn 122 ==> Mobius

                  Mighty Caligula,

                  With all your expertise and knowledge, how soon do you expect to be able to bring Mother Earth under your control? We in Wales have heard of something called Gaia Theory, but know not what it is. Is it possible that you may soon be in possession of such knowledge?


                  • #84

                    Turn 122--> deleted

                    Wall Street Journal

                    In a move that surprised analysts with its speed, Assyrico launched its IPO today.

                    A multinational corporation involved in many endeavours, Assyrico "intends to expend its greatest energies on the development of Intellectual Properties", explained King Rick in a speech to the Board of Directors today.

                    "Beaver and Crab are the Brick & Mortar commodities of yesterday. Having invented the Internet, we must now go beyond such "buggy-whip" relics into a bold new digital future" he said.

                    Assyrico is said to be quite happy with its liquidity, but intends to "speed up the assembly lines" in an effort to spur its workers to increased productivity.

                    Stock prices soared as analysts reacted to the new corporate reorganization. The chief vizier of the Assyrian National Bank announced no sign of inflation.


                    • #85

                      An additional fact that bears commenting on:

                      The Conglomerate formerly known as Assyria now has the lowest pollution in the world. Our mega-producing cities don't even show up on the list of polluting cities, after having built Eco-Transits.

                      With an estimated 83 turns to the next disaster, the world seems to have a bit more breathing room.


                      • #86
                        Turn 123 ==> Mobius

                        Sorry guys, we've hit a small problem with the house moving, and so I've got to shoot down to London for a couple of days to sort it out, especially as we're supposed to be moving on Sunday November 12th. I hope to be back by this Tuesday.

                        I hope you understand that moving house is more important right now than my hobby, and I apologise at the short notice, but there's nothing I can do about that though I'm afraid. Due to the short notice I've not been able to bring any subs onboard, however, simply open and end my turn so that the game doesn't stall.

                        Once again my apologies. All being well we shall be moving next weekend, and after that all systems should return to normal, no more absenteeism

                        Hope you all understand.



                        • #87
                          Man did I ever pick the wrong time to travel! Sheesh!
                          Anyway I'm back now, so send me the turn as per normal.

                          The move is still on, we go on sunday, so consider me 'unavailable to play' from Sunday till Monday, hopefully then I shall be around for some time.


                          • #88

                            So are we back in action again?

                            Who's got the turn?


                            • #89
                              I do not have the turn.


                              • #90
                                I was me! Sorry I've been busy and I figured that Demos wasn't around anyway... (I'd done it and thought I'd posted it! )
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

