Turn 7 to India
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New PBEM: Midway
Turn to Krash/Ircoodge.
Rumours has reached me. Other tribes has begun seeking together to raise new nations. Despite this - this is afterall rumours - India are the most powerful and wise nation among others. If its true, we will be ready.
I - Wiagra - has spoken.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Turn 7 to Franses.
We, the Viking nation are forced to go further afield to find land on which to build our great cities. This move has been forced upon us by circumstaces beyond our control. In other words, the island that we originally found ourselves on has proved too small and inhospitable for our expanding nation.
We hope that in our expansion phase, we may come across settlers of other nations that we might befriend them and take them under the protective wing of the great Viking empire.
So says Krash our supreme and revered leader!
Turn 8 to Krash.
Wiagra, The Wise and Beloved Father of All Indians are please to see, that another city has been setted.
5 border patrols are constantly checking The Nation borderlines. Among other things a valueable treassure has been brought in.
I'm very pleased to see, that all the Indian Goods are with me and my people.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Alarming reports has reached the Indian capitol. Forein troops are spotted. We are not sure, if this is only a patrol or part of a greater army.
Wiagra the Wise has instructed the commander of our mighty eastern army to gather and make fortress in the mountains.
Their flag are blue and their skincolor are yellow and they are small in size - our guard has been instructed to offer a little present - just to find out if these welltrained troops are friendly or aggressive.
We hope for peace but are prepared for other things.
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited September 02, 2000).]First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
I did send my turn (turn 9) to SOW on september third.
Did resend my turn again to SOW.
Sow, did you receive the turn? Please react.
I suggest that we sent a mail to all participants if we sent our turn to the next one. This way we at least know where the last turn is.
I will be off for the weekend but will take my turn (hope I received it by then) on monday morning at the latest.
FransesFranses (like Ramses).
Well, this is a bit of a mix up. It seems that Sow is away somewhere and now Franses has gone for the weekend aswell. Since Sow gets the turn after Franses, we can't even put Sow to AI and send the turn to Tyr until Franses gets back on Monday.
Unless Sow re appears over the weekend, it looks as though this game is on hold until Monday at least!