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Monkey 2 - part VII

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  • #31
    Sorry, quoted instead of edited..
    [This message has been edited by Monkey (edited November 07, 2000).]
    Monkey I am proud to be!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!
    Trim the sails and roam the sea!


    • #32
      The Dutch are not at war with any nation other than the English. Unless of course one of the other nations declared war on us after we played our last turn. At the moment our only concern is to eliminate the English and add their cities to the Dutch empire. You have nothing to worry about as long as you don't interfere with these plans.


      • #33
        Who is playing the English BTW? With the number of players that have mysteriously dropped out, I've lost track. I believe it is an AI at the moment?

        Sorry Paul, but I misread your post as ordering Lung to back out of English territory and that the Australians(Lung) will soon be under Dutch rule.
        Monkey I am proud to be!
        Trim the sails and roam the sea!
        Trim the sails and roam the sea!


        • #34
          The English (and the Germans also) are currently ruled by the AI. The Greeks (also AI) have been killed, leaving us with 5 human players.

          To clarify things, yes, I told Lung to get out of English territory. If he does that, there's no problem. If he chooses to stay in English territory and conquer English cities he will be in trouble.


          • #35
            Sorry to interrupt.

            I know games go faster with AIs - but do you need 2 of those in your game??

            I mean..... I - ehh.....
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #36
              LOL @ Birdman!!!

              Yeah.. I err..umm... YEAH!!!
              King Thor


              • #37
                Turn 209 to Zaphod.

                Do you guys want to replace the AIs? They're both almost dead, so I doub't you's want to take over their positions.


                • #38
                  Take the chance - english!

                  If you would allow me, that is.

                  Woodstock was here!
                  First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                  • #39
                    As far as I'm concerned you can take the English if you want, but don't complain to me if you're dead before the end of the month.


                    • #40
                      turn to monkey

                      the russian people would be glad to welcome the english back in the rows of civilization under their soon to be new leader in feathers.
                      to encourage understanding and peace we would be happy to send some development helpers to our english brothers and teach them the ways of marxism-zaphodism.
                      as a further statement we want to remind everybody, that as soon as the working classes will have gained the power in the soviet republic of england, no one can or should blame the english for the evil deads of the capitalistic lackeys that have so long tortured that poor english people.
                      lets all welcome back england in communistic brotherhood and peace!

                      sincerely yours,
                      zaphod b, prime secretary of the communistic party of russia


                      • #41
                        Pls detach the english from the AI.

                        I'll take the chance.

                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • #42
                          Turn 210 to Zaphod.

                          Welcome, TheBirdMan. I believe you have 6 cities left at the moment.


                          • #43
                            That should to for at least 6 turns

                            Pls use my "" or "" account.
                            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                            • #44
                              turn to our feathered friend


                              • #45
                                Turn to Monkey.

                                As an eagle, a new spirit has come over the english people.

                                The spirit told the english to leave their country - cause dark times are falling throughout the whole planet.

                                The Eagle also told the english people to send a message to all peaceloving and peacekeeping nations of the world:

                                The dutch aggressor are using some metalic monsters called tanks and warwalkers to destoy all english human - men, nearly unarmed - and of course all women, children. No mercy are given. An group only armed with swords and spears did make a suicede attack trying to save their wifes and children.

                                As a prove to the dutch aggression, our map has been sent to all nations, known to the english.

                                An evakuation of the english people are now lauched. We do not know yet, how many that would survive - but chanches are certainly better elsewhere. We hope to be allowed to live in peace side by side of the australian people.

                                The australian nation are FREE to take the cities of Norwich and Worchester - the english will NOT consider that as an act of war. Letting our 2 new cities live on the southcoast will be all the sign we need to know, that the australian people also are a peaceloving people.

                                The rest of the english nation are placed on the lower-left quarter of the worldmap. Any help will be very much appriciated and remembered.

                                Anyway the dutch warmachine will be only of little use from now - only things to kill will be unarmed settles - expel them to show the world that you are not a dump brutal monster, kill them and the world will know the true of the dutch . No cities to conquer and claim taxes from. Only the ruins of former english cities will be left you.

                                [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited November 11, 2000).]
                                [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited November 11, 2000).]
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


