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  • Turn 10 to Aaginor!

    Wow! That was quick, It cought me off guard!


    • (turn 10 >

      Did I mentioned? I love those quickies? Nah? Anyway ... One of those strange guys were here again. Building a little hut in one of our cities. Called it embassay ... what ever that means. Well, but tha girls there are beautiful. They came to me saying, want t' exchange something ... I told them, YEAH! C'me on babe! And then they startet talking ... about their embassy ... WEIRD! I was asleep even before I could feel their breast under my fingers! Never happened before. M'ybe it's because of all this stress. Damn it. But Clarissa, Edwina and Antigone proved me, that nothing is lost!
      And then, these embassy-girls came again ... guess for what! Yes, man, EXCHANGING! But I was warned, and so I wasn't too much shocked, when they came with a lot of this ... hmmm ... what was the name? Ahhh, you know, the thing where you roll your gras in, eh? Yes, that it was, papyrus, as they called it.
      Hmm, I thought to myself, maybe some nice act paintings of them, just to increase the tension. And again, I started to fall asleep, for there were only maps on the papyrus ... JUST MAPS! Can you imagine this, my friend? Ah, I see you can't. Couldn't believe this myself. Well, I'm off ... gotta do somthing o' myself ...
      Visit my Band-Homepage


      • Turn 10 -> Arthur


        Turn turnaround time, 23 hours.
        Now I wish all my games were like this.


        There is no news to report from the Great King Thor. It almost seems like his people do not need him and his services are not required. So as he sleeps on his silk bed, the people of India continue to work the rich bountitious fields for food. The Indian fishermen improve their method of catching fish, and very soon we will see significant improvements in our food supply. Hundreds of people emerged from the Jungle's outside Bombay, and asked if they could live with us in our cities. We ofcourse, the benevelent, and generous people we are, opened our doors to them. That is right, all you poor tribemen out there, all the people living in the forest and living under tyranny. Come to India. Come to the land of Plenty, the Land of beautiful rivers, and the Land of gorgeous women. We will welcome you with open arms.
        King Thor


        • Turn 10 ---> Bilhq


          • Bilhq: Turn 11 please, not turn 9.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • turn 11 -> Birdman

              Like Aaignor said, confusion is part of the game
              [This message has been edited by bilhq (edited October 09, 2000).]


              • Turn 11 to Creator.

                Yes - but it's better to confuse others(!) than yourself.

                Diplomatic negotiantions was a succes. I - the King - is resting on my laury.
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • So where is the turn now fellas? 24 rule? Lets get the game moving.
                  King Thor


                  • Turn should be by Creator.

                    Creator: If you read this - pls reply. Do you take turn soon or should I press "next"?

                    I know it's hard to find out, who's is who.

                    I have made a table, showing start and the changes during the game. Hope I have all:

                    Vanni --> permanent replaced by SOW -->sub Aaginor
                    Arthur --> sub Aaginor --> Arthur

                    Edit: Now 7 hours later, I have "nexted" your turn Creator and sent it to Krash. Pls hurry with your own if you want any influence this turn.

                    Woodstock was here!
                    [This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited October 12, 2000).]
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • I haven't heard anything from Creator and so I have played the turn that TheBirdman sent me and passed it on to Aaginor!


                      • (turn 11 >


                        Ey ... a horde of unrazored babarians appeared upon the hills of one of our cities ... just forget the name, the cancelor told me, but I didn't listen carefully. Hey ... man! I guess you'll remove thyself as soon as possible, eh? Our workers are frightend and they refused to work beneth your smelly warriors ...
                        What a heck ... they acctually get on my nerves about you ... don't want to listen, so please quiet them by going elsewhere ...
                        Hmm, do you have female warriors in this troops? Maybe I would consider to meet one of them. But please, let them take a bath before ...
                        Visit my Band-Homepage


                        • Turn 11 -> Arthur


                          Indians are happy.
                          King Thor


                          • Where is the turn actually? Arthur?
                            Remind, that we have the 24h-rule, haven't we?
                            Visit my Band-Homepage


                            • The turn should be with Creator - sent it this morning (and re-forwarded it ½ hour ago, after reading something about mail bounching back).

                              First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                              • The Creator didn't play the last turn either. Does anyone know if he's away at the moment?

                                Perhaps we should 'end of turn' him again since he doesn't appear to be playing at present.

