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Turn 1 4000 BC with start position

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  • #16
    I would suggest heavily that we settle within a couple of turns, 3 tops.

    Move to which hill is fastest to reach first, then decide clock/counter wise

    Do we want to chance moving bob to far away from our first city?

    Since we have yet to decide a goal, this thread is a good place to start lange17
    anti steam and proud of it

    CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


    • #17
      building a city first will reveal more spots, but nothing over the montains

      I am willing to move sue 6, pop and reveal
      bob 7 doing the clockwise rotation back toward the city

      If you have the time, play a few opening moves with building a city first to see what it might reveal
      anti steam and proud of it

      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


      • #18
        I definitely concur that we should settle ASAP, first turn unless there is a pressing reason to delay (like possibly the plains hill?) Settling in order to reveal more of the map seems wasteful to me. Once the city is settled, revealing more of the map will only help with placement of the second city, but by the time we have a second settler we'll have already explored the neighborhood anyway, right? Or am I missing something?


        • #19
          I think:
          1)First problem is when and where settle.Delaying settler is a weak move,unless there is a strong reason and there is not because we don't know the surrondings.(Let's not forget there still 8 unseen tiles in the present radius,so things can be better).So I sugest settle in turn 1.
          And where?If Bob moves 3 will reveal 5 files;3+3 is the important one;if it is a food or mine special,then Sue would move 3 or 2 and settle(if no other reason,2 looks better to work imediately the silk:2F1H1C);if not,Sue will settle at current location not to lose two hills.
          2)As said,build warrior(if hut gives it,worker) mining(if hut gives mysticism,meditation because nobody starts with mysticism).
          3)We are creative,so radius in 5 turns and more chance to get fast a strategic resource(horses,cooper,iron).
          4)We are industrious,so we must think in the Oracle and Pyramids,but without delaying axemen.
          5)so,I see 3/4 lines of research:bronze,priesthood,masonry and(if,when)husbandry or fishing.
          6)Obviously,Bob will explore near of the capital,at least until the 2nd warrior is there.
          (And changing subject,partners,can someone please tell me how can I go forth and back between this text and the screen?And can I transform the "dead"screen in a "working" and bigger one?My thanks in advance).


          • #20
            fed1943-are you talkind about the screenie and the text in this thread?

            you could try copying the picture to a word doc and mouse between the two

            As in the real world, this game is all about location, location, location then the resources to help us grow

            We are by a river, rivers acts as free roads. Let us consider this fact for growth. Thers is at least one tile for food to help growth, and one for later if we chop

            Should mining wait till a proper research is complete to improve chances of finding once we do mine?

            that is all for now
            anti steam and proud of it

            CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


            • #21
              Yes,Platypus,was it and thank you,I got the word copy.
              The other thing I tried to say was:the screenie,I can't give it commands or rotate,just to see it as is;how can I get a living game?
              About research:at current location,the city will have 4F2H2C(and that will be true by 5 turns,after,the same or better);the warrior will take 8turns,then the worker 15.We have agriculture;if a camp or flock pops on the radius,then hunting or husbandry;if not,stick on mining.


              • #22
                I agree that moving Bob 3 first to give us a better idea of what's to the southeast will help us determine where to settle Sue. But I really think Sue should be settled on the first turn.


                • #23
                  settler expose

                  not an exact match, because this example does not have both units starting in the same hex

                  before build

                  after build

                  also compare the mini maps
                  Last edited by Addled Platypus; February 25, 2006, 16:52.
                  anti steam and proud of it

                  CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                  • #24
                    I clicked on the two attachements but they just say file doesnt exist.


                    • #25
                      anti steam and proud of it

                      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                      • #26
                        Platypus- I'm not sure I understand why we care how much of the map building the city reveals. Once the city is built, its too late for that information to help us for the first city, and by the time we build a settler we will have explored all that territory anyway. Am I missing something?


                        • #27
                          1.some people here dont have the game to follow along
                          2. it would just eliminate the uneeded movement. Revealing territory faster is a good thing

                          I completey forgot the city would pop the hut because of its border
                          anti steam and proud of it

                          CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                          • #28
                            I thought can be useful to try now a resumée of turn 1,taking advantage of all the previous posts;I will put the potential action and ( ) the reasons,so that partners may desagree:
                            1)Bob moves 3 (to show 5 tilese of them 3+3 is out of current radius).
                            2)If tile 3+3 is a farm,camp or mine special,Sue moves 2 and settle(since we are creative the problem is the tile'output,not the resource'acess;move 2,not 3,to work imediately the silk,no other unimproved tile gives better);conversaly Sue settles at present location(keeping 3 hills in the radius,so that hammers and commerce will be so so).
                            - Settling will pop the hut and reveal the radius -
                            3)Build:warrior(2 warriors seems the necessary defense,by now);but,if hut pops warrior,worker(already 2 warriors);if hut pops scout,may be warrior(true,the present warrior would be free of exploration'duties,but 2 warriors still necessary).
                            4)Research:if hut pops mysticism,meditation(nobody starts with mysticism,so good chance of grabing a early religion;here,religion has no diplomatic consequences,but has imediate hapiness and,after,money bonuses);if not,but radius reveal a camp resource,hunting;if not,but radius reveal a pasture resource,hunting then husbandry(it's questionable,but first hunting gives the discount to husbandry and the worker will have good work to do,farming the river plain);if not,mining(to bronze).


                            • #29
                              This may be getting too much into things, but here is what could happen with the goody hut, by difficulty:

                              Chance out of 20:
                              High Gold 2
                              Low Gold 4
                              Map 2
                              Warrior 2
                              Scout 1
                              Experience 2
                              Healing 1
                              Tech 2
                              Weak Barbarians 3
                              Strong Barbarians 1

                              High Gold 1
                              Low Gold 4
                              Map 2
                              Warrior 2
                              Scout 1
                              Experience 2
                              Healing 1
                              Tech 2
                              Weak Barbarians 3
                              Strong Barbarians 2

                              High Gold 1
                              Low Gold 5
                              Map 2
                              Warrior 1
                              Scout 1
                              XP 1
                              Healing 1
                              Tech 2
                              Weak Barbarian 3
                              Strong Barbarian 3


                              • #30
                                XP and healing wont occur. also im pretty certain that when popping a hut with city radius there wont be barbarians? or has anyone of you seen otherwise? ironically the higher the difficulty the higher the chance of a free tech if no barbarians will pop o_O

