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500 Bc

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  • 500 Bc

    A short todo list (copied from the end of the previous trhead) before the turn comes in :

    Things which are +/- decided :
    => Literature is finished, so we could switch to Great Library in Being
    => Research should probably go back to Currency (which we were researching before we switched to Literature)
    => Tassagrad built a chuck, we should name it (see unit names thread for suggestions) and then move it towards the mash, where it will be able to join the army moving south (total forces = 5 chucks + 1 axe)
    => Tassagrad had a border expansion (its first)
    => Hong Kong will have a border expansion in 8 turns, in the ideal case we will have a second work boat for the fish. Change production to work boat now.
    => Xian built a worker, an other worker is partly done with a road. Xian will have a border expansion next turn, bringing the wheat in our borders.
    => One of these 2 free workers can be used to hook up wheat, but it's in no city's fat cross, so it will only be useful for the +1 health
    => The other worker should chop a forest next to HongKong to complete a work boat.

    Things to discuss:
    => What will we build in Tassagrad next ? A missionary to spread religion to The Mash ? An other Chuck as backup 3 turns behind our main army ?

    What is still under heavy discussion : Will our lone chuck next to Bananapolis attack this turn or next turn ? I would not attack now, because its riskier:

    => this turn :
    ----> attack without promotions and try to kill the defending axeman. Use 2 promotions to heal back so we can not be counter-attacked.
    ----> if we die, bananas axe gets experience; which they might use for a promotion to heal back and get a bonus

    => next turn :
    ----> Home Guard + combat 1 + Shock => should take out the axe without problem
    ----> Chuck Noris + combat 1 + medic => should take out the chariot
    ----> Chuck Jeger + combat 1 => should take out the warrior, gain a promotion and move in the city
    ----> if they have not rushed an other chariot, we can take the city equally fast.
    Yes: I can not hold my anger / I fear another chariot
    No : patience is a virtue / I fear a promotion for their axe
    They're all bananas anyway
    no sig

  • #2
    1. Another Chuck
    2. Wait to attack
    3. Could go either way but I would be cautious
    4. Nice IF
    You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
    There is a reason for everything.


    • #3
      Turn's in
      -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
      -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


      • #4
        - our scout's dead (means their axe is where scout was)
        - Bananas still dont have archery
        - Banana capital has axe and warrior still and our chuk has 83% + 2 first strikes, so I think we should try it without promotion
        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


        • #5
          screenie of the combat area?
          if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

          ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


          • #6
            so, how about the turn ???
            no sig


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kataphraktoi
              screenie of the combat area?
              There is a big screenie if you get the turn at our Google Mail.
              You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
              There is a reason for everything.


              • #8
                Here's an endturn:
                - Xian set to settler
                - Tassa to missionary
                - Chuk Jeger attacked Bananapolis (who doesn't risk doesn't win! ) and killed the axe!
                - Chuk Noris moving south, Home Guard north towards Bananapolis
                - One worker in position to chop for Hong Kong, one in position to road wheat.
                Attached Files
                -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                • #9
                  - Banana capital has axe and warrior still and Chuk Jeger has 83% + 2 first strikes, so I think we should try it without promotion
                  - Chuk Jeger attacked Bananapolis (who doesn't risk doesn't win! ) and killed the axe!
                  - Chuk Noris moving south, Home Guard north towards Bananapolis
                  So, where is the chariot in bananapolis ? I thought they had one there ? So now, we're gonna take their capital with 2 units That's good news. Although, if there's only a warrior left defending now, we might have pulled it off with one unit (although that would have increased the problems if they whipped a chariot).

                  How many turns sooner will Chuk Noris arrive around splitsville now that he moves south immediately ?
                  Last edited by PJayTycy; August 20, 2007, 01:58.
                  no sig


                  • #10
                    No, there was never one. I was just saying they could build one, chariot being the biggest unit they can build.
                    Oh, and catapult, but that's double in cost and as useless as former.

                    Chuk will arrive at Splitsville 2 turns earlier or 5 turns from this IIRC. Also the rear chuk is just one road move (1/2 turn) behind Chuk Norris. If we can use the axe too (seeing if there's revolt chance in mash), we can have 3 units down there in 5-6 turns and take it in a couple more.
                    -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                    -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                    • #11
                      The team voted for waiting and you attacked anyway?!

                      Everything goes smoothly....
                      if you want to stop terrorism; stop participating in it

                      ''Oh,Commissar,if we could put the potatoes in one pile,they would reach the foot of God''.But,replied the commissar,''This is the Soviet Union.There is no God''.''Thats all right'' said the worker,''There are no potatoes''


                      • #12
                        Well Forester changed his vote upon learning the city only has an ax and warrior (can see that in skype history), so it was 2 votes YEA and 1 NAY as I was firmly pro attacking.

                        Yes everything goes well.
                        I'll make a build plan for Hong Kong as soon as I have some time for it.
                        -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                        -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.


                        • #13
                          true. I was cautious till found out that we will win.
                          You have two choices in life; Explore and learn or Vegetate.
                          There is a reason for everything.


                          • #14
                            Ok, some more information about this turn :

                            the chatlog from Skype which binTravkin mentioned (I'd really like all turnchats to be posted on the forums. Please remember there's only 5 people on Skype, but 25+ on these forums)

                            [18/08/2007 9:09:01] binTravkin : We have the turn
                            [18/08/2007 9:11:09] ForesterSOF : is this a first or what
                            [18/08/2007 9:21:04] binTravkin : we have 83% before promotions and the city has ax + warrior
                            [18/08/2007 9:21:26] binTravkin : so we should attack promotion or no promotion, they have too little forces to counterattack anyway
                            [18/08/2007 9:21:52] binTravkin : and I think 83% doesn't take into account first strikes
                            [18/08/2007 9:22:20] binTravkin : at least to my expierence units after being promoted drill doesn't get more combat chances, but in the actual combat they do
                            [18/08/2007 9:22:31] ForesterSOF : If that is all they have then yes. I am just causous about what dont know and posible ramifications
                            [18/08/2007 9:30:55] binTravkin : they can't build anything anymore, a mere chariot only
                            [18/08/2007 9:31:07] binTravkin : and chariot can't even kill a half-strenght chuko
                            [18/08/2007 9:31:12] binTravkin : in forest
                            [18/08/2007 9:32:28] ForesterSOF : then we have them
                            [18/08/2007 9:32:36] ForesterSOF : Die Die Die
                            [18/08/2007 9:42:15] binTravkin : Hehe, next turn they lose their cap, mere 3 turns after mash, just in the time that's needed to travel the distance
                            [18/08/2007 9:42:21] binTravkin : our scout is dead btw
                            [18/08/2007 9:42:30] binTravkin : which means there's an ax just south of mash
                            [18/08/2007 9:42:38] binTravkin : which is not fortifying at Splitsville
                            [18/08/2007 9:42:53] ForesterSOF : not good
                            [18/08/2007 9:42:56] binTravkin : good
                            [18/08/2007 9:43:12] binTravkin : the axe is running around instead of accumulating fortify points
                            [18/08/2007 9:43:17] ForesterSOF : we net Tas to make another Chuck so can enforce our authority
                            [18/08/2007 9:43:29] binTravkin : don't need it
                            [18/08/2007 9:43:48] binTravkin : we can have two chuks chase down the axe towards south
                            [18/08/2007 9:44:05] binTravkin : and the ax at mash too
                            [18/08/2007 9:44:14] binTravkin : 2 chuks and ax should be enough for splitsvill
                            [18/08/2007 9:44:21] ForesterSOF : if it wont drain our resources then go for it
                            [18/08/2007 9:44:44] binTravkin : if it aint we at least will be able to cut their horses
                            [18/08/2007 9:45:48] ForesterSOF : the "aint" is why i want another chuck but as said if it will work then ...
                            [18/08/2007 10:00:47] binTravkin : We have 4 chuks and ax in the area and 1 chuk coming from the rear, it should be enough killing a city which has at most 2 axes and 2 chariots
                            The travel time from Tassagrad to Splitsville is too big for more chuks to make sense
                            [18/08/2007 10:02:02] binTravkin : anywways I suggest attacking without promotions
                            [18/08/2007 10:02:11] binTravkin : with 2 first strikes we should be clearly winning

                            Next, a report of the battles :

                            The Bunch's axeman (5.50) vs Chairman Yang's Forester (Scout) (1.95)
                            The combat modifiers below add up to 95%.
                            The defender is at full health
                            195% *100% * 1.00 strength = 1.95
                            The axe has a +10% strength bonus and is at full health
                            110% * 100% * 5.00 strength = 5.50
                            • Combat Odds : 99.9 %
                            • River Attack : +25%
                            • Feature : +20% (what is this??)
                            • Plot Defense : +50% (forest)
                            • Chairman Yang's Forester (Scout) is hit for 32 (68/100 HP)
                            • Chairman Yang's Forester (Scout) is hit for 32 (36/100 HP)
                            • Chairman Yang's Forester (Scout) is hit for 32 (4/100 HP)
                            • Chairman Yang's Forester (Scout) is hit for 32 (0/100 HP)
                            • The Bunch's axeman has defeated Chairman Yang's Forester (Scout)!

                            Chairman Yang's Chuck Jeger (Cho-Ko-Nu) (6.00) vs The Bunch's Axeman (5.00)
                            The combat modifiers below add up to 0%.
                            The defender is at full health
                            100% *100% * 1.00 strength = 5.00
                            • Combat Odds : 83.0 %
                            • Combat : -50% (chuck bonus against melee)
                            • Fortify : +10%
                            • Plot Defense : +40% (city culture)
                            • The Bunch's Axeman is hit for 21 (79/100 HP)
                            • The Bunch's Axeman is hit for 21 (58/100 HP)
                            • The Bunch's Axeman is hit for 21 (37/100 HP)
                            • The Bunch's Axeman is hit for 21 (16/100 HP)
                            • The Bunch's Axeman is hit for 21 (0/100 HP)
                            • Chairman Yang's Chuck Jeger (Cho-Ko-Nu) has defeated The Bunch's Axeman!

                            and finally a screenshot of the battle area. The riots in The Mash have ended and we will have to build something in this new city next turn.

                            Foreign intelligence will be for later...
                            no sig


                            • #15
                              Yeah, we need a build plan for mash too.
                              I'd say granary, forge and barracks would be necessary, probably in that order.
                              -- What history has taught us is that people do not learn from history.
                              -- Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

