- put down the lifted citizen @Beijing to work southern cottage
- move fishing boat towards fish. There's something strange about this fish boat - I calculated it's last turn would be move, then build boats, but it appears it will need one more turn.
- move the missionary into Hong Kong
- move the chuko camped near Tassa towards Banana
- take Mash (I guess the chukos should be used here)
- set research to 100%
- run away with southern scout (it might be in danger) towards north to check where workers went
Expected happenings next turn:
- Mash taken
- GL finished
- put down the lifted citizen @Beijing to work southern cottage
- move fishing boat towards fish. There's something strange about this fish boat - I calculated it's last turn would be move, then build boats, but it appears it will need one more turn.

- move the missionary into Hong Kong
- move the chuko camped near Tassa towards Banana
- take Mash (I guess the chukos should be used here)
- set research to 100%
- run away with southern scout (it might be in danger) towards north to check where workers went
Expected happenings next turn:
- Mash taken
- GL finished