Greetings! I was insanely bored so I took all the demographics graphs and overlayed them with gridlines and read the values off them and then put them into a spreadsheet.
And thus we know exactly what our little friends down the river have been up to!
I've made some guesses/assumptions in the columns after the F/C/H/Anarchy ones. There's a very slight possibility I may be wrong on the tiles being worked or something, but it all fits very well.
What do we know?
Vox are size 3.
Vox are on a river, with a 3-0-1 tile and at least two 2-0-1 tiles which are more than likely grassland riverbank.
Also along that river is a Plains Hill with a commerce special on it, more than likely Gold or Wine (my speculation is Wine!)
Vox have a 2-1-0 and 1-2-0 tile, both more than likely forests.
Vox don't have a tri-resource tile better than 1-1-1 (ie no silk in forest or something)
Vox have produced a single warrior or scout.
Vox have probably not started on a Worker yet since they've grown to size 3, they will surely finish their (2nd?) warrior first.
Vox are commerce-mad, they are working 2-0-1 tiles in favor of 2-1-0 tiles. This made sense when they were racing to hinduism, but what are they are still hell-bent on getting?! Getting this something is more important than getting units out!
Speculation: They're in OH CRAP WE NEED COPPER/HORSES OR WE DEAD mode. They suspect we'll want to park a Skirmisher on their resource and so they want to know where it is ASAP!
The reason I speculate they have Plains Hill wine, is if they had gold, they'd damn well be getting a worker out already! They'd improve that food special on the river and work the goldmine ASAP! Also we know they're the same latitude as us and we have wines so they probably have wines.
Still to do is adding score and power... someone else can add scores if they want.
And thus we know exactly what our little friends down the river have been up to!
I've made some guesses/assumptions in the columns after the F/C/H/Anarchy ones. There's a very slight possibility I may be wrong on the tiles being worked or something, but it all fits very well.
What do we know?
Vox are size 3.
Vox are on a river, with a 3-0-1 tile and at least two 2-0-1 tiles which are more than likely grassland riverbank.
Also along that river is a Plains Hill with a commerce special on it, more than likely Gold or Wine (my speculation is Wine!)
Vox have a 2-1-0 and 1-2-0 tile, both more than likely forests.
Vox don't have a tri-resource tile better than 1-1-1 (ie no silk in forest or something)
Vox have produced a single warrior or scout.
Vox have probably not started on a Worker yet since they've grown to size 3, they will surely finish their (2nd?) warrior first.
Vox are commerce-mad, they are working 2-0-1 tiles in favor of 2-1-0 tiles. This made sense when they were racing to hinduism, but what are they are still hell-bent on getting?! Getting this something is more important than getting units out!
Speculation: They're in OH CRAP WE NEED COPPER/HORSES OR WE DEAD mode. They suspect we'll want to park a Skirmisher on their resource and so they want to know where it is ASAP!
The reason I speculate they have Plains Hill wine, is if they had gold, they'd damn well be getting a worker out already! They'd improve that food special on the river and work the goldmine ASAP! Also we know they're the same latitude as us and we have wines so they probably have wines.
Still to do is adding score and power... someone else can add scores if they want.