Personally, I believe that deterministic systems based on governing laws of interaction should not apply to human behavior, mainly because such belief systems are in part based on duality and judgment. What's right vs wrong, ying vs yang, emotions vs reason, etc. Mankind should aspire to free itself of such duality.
I believe that things are what they are in terms of how they interact with the surrounding environment, and as for myself, such interaction is based on goals and the frame of reference.
Given a specific environment (life, or a demogame), and a specific (basic) goal (survival, winning) I have to define for myself a methodology (set of rules if you want) that will help me achieve such goal in the most efficient way (such condition is a goal in itself). Efficiency being defined as trying to accomplish my goals with the least effort or cost on my behalf and those who share my environment.
This methodology, being neither emotional nor purely logical, though it manifests itself as both, can and will be somewhat predictable. For example, deception tends to be counterproductive in the long run (this I can’t demonstrate, it's a belief based on experience), thus inefficient, Therefore, you can predict me as being honest and open.
On the other hand, as systems grow in complexity they tend to be chaotic (and they don't need much growth for that) and loose their predictability, though usually staying within certain bounds. Thus, my interaction needs to be flexible and respond to that chaotic nature in a manner that will become less predictable. While I like to enumerate simple rules or make guidelines for myself, I'm aware that one of the most basic is that rules where meant to be broken
I believe that things are what they are in terms of how they interact with the surrounding environment, and as for myself, such interaction is based on goals and the frame of reference.
Given a specific environment (life, or a demogame), and a specific (basic) goal (survival, winning) I have to define for myself a methodology (set of rules if you want) that will help me achieve such goal in the most efficient way (such condition is a goal in itself). Efficiency being defined as trying to accomplish my goals with the least effort or cost on my behalf and those who share my environment.
This methodology, being neither emotional nor purely logical, though it manifests itself as both, can and will be somewhat predictable. For example, deception tends to be counterproductive in the long run (this I can’t demonstrate, it's a belief based on experience), thus inefficient, Therefore, you can predict me as being honest and open.
On the other hand, as systems grow in complexity they tend to be chaotic (and they don't need much growth for that) and loose their predictability, though usually staying within certain bounds. Thus, my interaction needs to be flexible and respond to that chaotic nature in a manner that will become less predictable. While I like to enumerate simple rules or make guidelines for myself, I'm aware that one of the most basic is that rules where meant to be broken
