Cottage ready in AB. New citizen placed to work it. EDIT: Damn... When I replayed the turn to fulfill the Horde's change in strategy, I think I forgot to place the new AB citizen on the cottage... I guess it's not a huge loss.
Port Lima completes barracks. Horse archer placed in queue.
Fort Sierra completes horse archer. Needs new build.

Workers building road to EC moved 1.

Southern axe moved 3. Uncovers 2 Sarantine axes and 1 spear.
Southern spear moved 2 on top of Horde scout.

EDIT: Received new instructions from the Horde and just now noticed... They changed their strategy. So instead of an all out attack, I have moved 2 chariots onto Ocala horse tile and pillaged both road and pasture. With the wounded chariot, I pillaged the road under the main stack, and then set him to heal. The 4 axes attack Ocala. 3 die. 1 survives, killing the archer with city defender promotion. The 2 spears dig in.

Units remaining in Ocala:





Crop yield:
Port Lima completes barracks. Horse archer placed in queue.
Fort Sierra completes horse archer. Needs new build.

Workers building road to EC moved 1.

Southern axe moved 3. Uncovers 2 Sarantine axes and 1 spear.
Southern spear moved 2 on top of Horde scout.

EDIT: Received new instructions from the Horde and just now noticed... They changed their strategy. So instead of an all out attack, I have moved 2 chariots onto Ocala horse tile and pillaged both road and pasture. With the wounded chariot, I pillaged the road under the main stack, and then set him to heal. The 4 axes attack Ocala. 3 die. 1 survives, killing the archer with city defender promotion. The 2 spears dig in.

Units remaining in Ocala:





Crop yield:
