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  • 2240

    We have now two cities (both screenies already posted).

    No units to move, as each warrior guard one city.

    Bananapolis will finish worker in 2 turns; Splitsville began an


    Obelisk is of little use to us, since we are creative; other options

    would be barracks or worker. I would prefer worker - more useful -

    but will stop grow.

    So, I ask your input about Spitsville build.

    We research Bronze Working (5 turns to complete it).

    I shall wait your answers and will play about 5 hours later.

    Best regards,

  • #2
    I like the idea of building a barracks first, that way we can grow while we are building it and then when we begin military production, we are already bonused for it. How long will it take to build the barracks vs. build time for a worker?
    GC Magazine|Gamecatcher


    • #3
      In Spitsville, a barrack takes 30 turns and a worker 15.

      And a worker is clearly more useful. The problem is its build stops


      As one, I would favour the worker, but several times partners show

      clear preference for not to stop grow before 3 pop.

      So, I'll change prodution for barracks and play now.

      Best regards,


      • #4
        yes on the barracks

        give me a pm later tonight (1am PST) fed1943 and I will go through the screenie process with you

        do you have a instant message service ?
        anti steam and proud of it

        CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be

