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Turn 41, 2400BC

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  • #31
    Another thing about AH is that, like copper, we will see if Vox has them - valuable strategic information. We want to know if we're heading into an Axemen vs. Horse Archers war.

    Anyways, the Pottery people definitely have the vote here, and it would seem Agriculture is the route, unless someone can prove those 3 turns are worth a tech that does nothing else for us (for quite awhile anyway).

    Another question - convert to Slavery? (I assume Yes, since it costs us nothing and Blake is the master.)


    • #32
      Oh heck yes let's convert (to Slavery)! There's no downside to it, and we have the immediate advantage of population sacrificing as needed.

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      • #33
        If Vox have horses so be it. We can kill horses with spears, horses get no defense boni from culture or otherwise, and 1 HA = 2 Skirms. Horses aren't worth squat to Vox.

        Chariots do retreat, but still the lack of collateral damage is a problem

        Iron, on the other hand...

        And as for slavery...if we convert, we let vox know we have BW. If we don't, they will be none the wiser, no? Or is it possible to deduce if someone you know has a tech in this game? I honestly don't know about these sorts of tricks in CIV.

        edit: my spelling sucks
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        • #34
          Originally posted by Krill
          and as for slavery...if we convert, we let vox no we have BW. If we don't, they will be none the wiser, no? Or is it possible to deduce if someone you know has a tech in this game? I honestly don;t know about these sorts of tricks in CIV.
          Interesting point - do we assume Vox is score and demographic tracking like us, and might be able to deduce by that we have BW? If yes, Slavery is no harm, otherwise, we might want to wait until we are going to use it.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Krill
            Does anyone here expect to be able to kill Vox with nothing but axes and skirmishers? in a 60% defense city?
            Still 40%, right? Do we know when it will grow into 60%?



            • #36
              Originally posted by Arrian
              No. Which is actually one of the reasons I want AH (one of several): chariots are ok softeners. They're cheap and have a chance at retreating.
              chariots would be nice too, but axes are at least as good

              the chance of retreat doesn't matter to us. We're not going to soften them, heal our forces, and use the remainder on the next city. The goal here is one big gigantic boom: we need our troops one time, and one time only.

              So yes, 60% is still doable with axes and skirms alone. It would even be possible with nothing but skirms... but I much prefer 40%

              What would be interesting to see, is if building a barracks for a CR I promotion is going to cut it


              A bit of a shame we can't aim for a +2 XP promo from civics... or would that be a path worth considering?



              • #37
                Originally posted by Hot Mustard
                Another thing about AH is that, like copper, we will see if Vox has them - valuable strategic information. We want to know if we're heading into an Axemen vs. Horse Archers war.
                HA: only when the Voice is found on horses. Otherwise, we can spot the pasture just as well... or even the worker trying to get a pasture going.

                Besides, it's the chariots you want to look out for: they get a 50% against axes.

                Another question - convert to Slavery? (I assume Yes, since it costs us nothing and Blake is the master.)
                Not yet, please! There's no rush unless we want to use it, and we can swap civics and rush in the same turn. The advantage of being SPI...

                Best time of switching, is the moment we discover some other tech. Might mess with Vox' intelligence...



                • #38
                  ah, probably my perception of time; I'm used to games on quick, so a holy city would be at or close to 250 culture by now

                  Theology or Fued is needed for civics, and that is way to far off.

                  Barracks is probably worth it, if only for the fact that kill 1 barb = CR2 axe or anti archer skirm or guerilla 2 skirm to plop on the gold if this goes to cats...but is it worth building asap, definately not. If we go for cats, definately worth building.
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                  • #39
                    I thought chariots only get bonus against axes in warlords...

                    though that does bring a worrying thought about the future... *cough* *cough*
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                    • #40
                      We need Aeson back for proper GS spam threads
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                      • #41
                        cats are a long way off... by that time, somebody with more friendly neighbours will surely have discovered alphabet, and start to race ahead of us. I don't think we can wait that long.

                        Barracks: I don't know. If we would find a barb city to train our troops on, it would definately be worth it. Otherwise... not so sure.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Krill
                          I thought chariots only get bonus against axes in warlords...

                          though that does bring a worrying thought about the future... *cough* *cough*
                          My bad. Of course!

                          Sorry, haven't played vanilla CIV in a while.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Krill
                            We need Aeson back for proper GS spam threads
                            True, that



                            • #44
                              Well, I'm just happy to see a turn thread get to page 2 - I have been wondering where the fabled long GS discussions went.


                              • #45
                                well, right now I'm assuming we are on a continent of 2. That mitigates alphabet enough to ignore it until after cats, IMO. If there is a third civ, we would need to radically alter our strategy to take them into account; we don;t want to weaken ourselves to the extent that we get conquered soon after killing Vox.

                                And the thing with cats is that if we go for pottery asap, and get a second worker to help just cottage all this beautiful flood plains, cats really are not that far off.
                                You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

