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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ninot
    I am such a big Zednik fan. It hurt to see him kinda responsible for the last 2 goals.

    Which futureshop you buying at? We should meet up, hehee.
    He's rusty, but at least he won't be costing us games like that when he's back to 100%. I'm a big fan too.

    I'm picking it up at Promenades St-Bruno on the way home from work... but post here before you go, maybe I'll meet up with you at the Centreville location if I can get away from work for half an hour.


    • #32
      i'm probably gonna be hitting the Forum Futureshop around lunch hour. Girl in my anthropology class needs tutoring first.

      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #33
        new sig!
        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ninot
          i'm probably gonna be hitting the Forum Futureshop around lunch hour. Girl in my anthropology class needs tutoring first.

          You, sir, have your priorities in order!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Disk Killer

            You, sir, have your priorities in order!

            honestly, I rather be playing Civ.
            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


            • #36
              I'd like to file a complain, and also I'd like to state that I won't be shopping at EBgames untill your my last resort, or something is done worthy to get me and my friends back.

              I have been waiting for Civilization 4. I visited the EBGames on University street in the Place Des Ailes, in Montreal Quebec Canada. On Tuesday, the day Civilization 4 shipped, I went to the store to be told it would arive Thursday. Thats fine by me. I return on Thursday at noon, to be told they were expecting it sometime before 4 pm. I return at 4:15 precisely, to be told that they had received shipment, but were not selling regular copies to regular customers untill the next day, and were only allowing those who had pre-ordered to get copies. Essentially, I had been lied to.

              Twice I was told that I could receive my copy on Thursday, and when Thursday came, I was denied service. This is intollerable. I have no problem handeling delayed shipments of games, but being lied to, and lied directly to my face, is simply something I won't stand for.

              I am purchassing this game, and all future games, from other retailers such as Futureshop, untill you do something to bring me back. My friends and fellow Civilization 4 enthusiasts will do the same, I assure you.


              Derek Tonin
              Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


              • #37
                I suggest we place a catapult, two Horsemen and one riflemen in front of the store to "influence" their decision


                • #38
                  Well I sure hope it does indeed come out tomorrow over here.

                  Happy civing for the weekend everyone!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Jerh9e1k5
                    Well I sure hope it does indeed come out tomorrow over here.
                    It had better!

                    Atleast the futureshop people aren't idiots and promising things they can't back up. They havent once promised me a date.
                    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Ninot

                      It had better!

                      Atleast the futureshop people aren't idiots and promising things they can't back up. They havent once promised me a date.
                      FuturShop and Compusmart have been telling me "TODAY IS THE DAY!" since wednesday


                      • #41
                        well comrade, hopefully, today IS the day.

                        if EB wasn't lieing, they'll have it.

                        I'm gonna be hell-bent to get a copy, avoiding EB if at all possible.

                        I'm serious, they's aint getting a dime from me.
                        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                        • #42
                          Hello Derek,

                          Thank you for contacting We apologize for the poor service
                          that you received at the store. Please reply with your name, address,
                          phone number, and the store location this happened at so we may forward
                          the information to the District Manager of the store.

                          If you have any other questions, please feel free to respond to this
                          email. You can also give us a call at 877-432-9675, 7 days a week from
                          8 am to Midnight Eastern Standard Time.

                          Best Regards,
                          Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                          • #43
                            The thing is, they DO have to keep copies for the pre-orders.

                            If you pre-ordered it, wouldn't you be pissed if they sold your copy to someone else who didn't pre-order it?

                            Next time, pre-order. While I agree EB is really complicated to deal with, if you do your thing right usually you'll get what you ask for. It's not always easy, but it usually works.

                            Although sometimes I wonder if they try their best to have employees who don't know jack about games.. You go in there, asking for a title, and all they can say is "Halo 2?"


                            • #44
                              Well I just called St-Bruno, and they got them in.

                              The guy told me that they didn't even get the special collector's edition. What a load of crap; the other EB stores got them, so there's no reason they don't have them either.

                              Funny thing they didn't even call me up.

                              Last pre-order from them is City of Villains.. After that, no going there anymore.


                              • #45
                                Anyone have any luck yet downtown?
                                Tried Future and EBay again at Cote Vertu. Future didn't have it and EB is sold out (yesterday they didn't have it, today they're sold out!). Why did they keep telling me to come tomorrow if they knew they only had enough to fill their pre-orders. ARGGGH!

                                ANyways, weekend looks like it will be perfect "stay inside and play Civ all day" weather and I'd really like to get it, soon.

