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Post it when you got the game.
This is a sticky topic.
My copy of CIV 4 is on the UPS truck! I'm sitting here with my nose up against the window, waiting for it. It's a good thing I have such short hair. Otherwise I might be pulling it out about now! Come on, UPS man! Come on, UPS man! There are worlds to conquer, and civs to take for Chrissakes!!!
Originally posted by Nacht
59 posts and noone who has the game
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Originally posted by conmcb25
But then Im kind of old school, if that kid worked for me and I heard him pull that crap on the phone with a customer, Id slap him upside the head, and tell him to knock it off. Show him how to do it correctly. Tell him if he doesn't do it correctly Ill slap the crap out of him again. That usually works for me.
Beating the youngsters...
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the game seems to be out in Germany/Switzerland... (proof:
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First one to post a new pic wins a pint of beer
My two local shopping towns both have two 'game' stores (after they bought out EB or something) I know I go back to the one that gave me most pleasent service first every time, but its not that difficult in games shops if they have the time for you. We all have the same hobby after all
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I like the girl at my EB.
I'm in the same region as snowstorm, so I'll have it in about four hours.
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well, it's 7:15 AM here on the East Coast (eastern PA), and just counting down the few hours until "gametime".
I'm calling EB nearby about noon, and if they say they have it, I'll be there in a flash....
Well, maybe not in a flash. See, I'm playing Mr. Mom at the present time, and I'll have to drag my 14 month old daughter with me in a stroller. That will slow me down (no, she isn't playing this game.....yet).
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Sooo, anybody got the game yet?
I guess the east coast will have the first shot at it, so we should be getting some realistic reports here in the next couple of hours.
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Originally posted by Akaoz
I thought this thread was for posting that you HAD the game...?
BTW I agree with BF and Snoopdog, and Witt
Im not asking for much really just the ability to understand what the he11 someone is saying on the phone. And this is not so much a b1tch about the customer service, unfortunately I have sort of come to expect that. It was more of a b1tch against the poster who said what am I complaining about. Well I was complaining in a sort of funny round about way about poor customer service. And sorry but I dont want to hear any excuses about that.
You are getting paid to do a job, so do it
But then Im kind of old school, if that kid worked for me and I heard him pull that crap on the phone with a customer, Id slap him upside the head, and tell him to knock it off. Show him how to do it correctly. Tell him if he doesn't do it correctly Ill slap the crap out of him again. That usually works for me.
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Originally posted by BigFree
So true...
Professionalism is all but gone in the retail arena. Most employees are paid squat and are more than likely very young and thus prone to act as such.
Then again, some customers leave me with my jaw hung open from the way they behave.
I think it goes both ways, but the only way for it to get better is for the businesses to lead the change towards common courtesy and respect. It's just hard to teach retail employees to be polite no matter the customers disposition.) than perhaps other retailers attract; but we have a lot of very good, dedicated professionals, who make the effort to find what's needed for the customer, indeed who go the extra mile to give good customer service.
There are certainly people who it's hard to teach customer service ... but to be honest it's mostly done in two places.
First, the interview ... a GOOD manager can identify a good Customer Service employee from the interview, and only hire the ones with solid customer service or at least solid potential - the right attitude, but not just attitude; understanding. When you ask, "Give me an example of a good customer service experience" and "bad" as well, the answer the interviewee gives tells you a lot about what they *consider* good customer service - and someone who doesn't know what good customer service is, really is, can't give it.
Second, you have to teach them HOW to give good customer service, during training and on the floor. Some employees may never move past the stand-at-a-desk-and-lean phase, and those employees never get far in customer service ... but most just need to be shown how. It's terribly boring standing at a desk all day and occasionally pointing people to shelves - it's a lot more exciting and interesting if you engage customers, tell them about what the best thing you read/watched/listened to/played/wore recently was. Engaging the customer is the single, if not only, important thing in customer service - anyone can go find a book or take your money, but a truly good employee will ask you if you need help before you approach him/her.
That said, con, you indeed had a lousy customer service experience. Dearmad, trust me, this was a lousy experience. You know how I can tell?
Because Con was annoyed about it afterwards.
From the retail store's point of view, that's the only thing that matters - the customer's opinion of the interaction.
When I answer the phone, I too have a set speech that I have to give (although i'm allowed a bit of leeway as long as certain things are in it) ...
"Hello, thanks for calling ___ (store), in ___ (loc). My name is ____, how may I help you?"
It's simple, it's the natural way for me to say it - I have the flexibility to adjust that if I want, as long as it has store, location, and name in it, and a friendly offer to help - and it gets the point across.
Often the problem isn't with the employee, though - it's with the store. He was probably asked to use a very specific script on the phone, and perhaps he feels it's too long or it's not formatted in a way that feels natural to him. Either way, the managers should be overhearing the calls and solving the problem, either with training or by reworking the script a bit.
I do have to say though that many stores don't focus on customer service TEACHING the way mine does ... remember these people who are working at ebgames are probably just out of high school (if they are that) and simply don't know HOW to give good customer service.
Of course, that probably means i wouldn't shop thereLucky for me, there's a gamestop nearby with some fairly competent people.
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Originally posted by conmcb25
Whats wrong with it is Im talking to a person whose profession is sales, and sales people are supposed to be good communicators, and this "Sales professional" was not.
I dont ask for a hell of a lot out of a computer sales person other than can you s p e a k c l e a r l y.
I dont care if this guy has to say whatever the heck it is, it is what he is paid to do, so do it properly. he is trying to earn MY money not the other way around.
Professionalism is all but gone in the retail arena. Most employees are paid squat and are more than likely very young and thus prone to act as such.
Then again, some customers leave me with my jaw hung open from the way they behave.
I think it goes both ways, but the only way for it to get better is for the businesses to lead the change towards common courtesy and respect. It's just hard to teach retail employees to be polite no matter the customers disposition.
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well... considering it will start selling TOMMOROW, it's quite understandable that after 60 posts no one has the game.
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