Did some digging on EBGames website concerning their shipping policies and found this:
In other words, we're just not going to tell you whether or not the package is within 10 minutes of hitting your doorstep or isn't even going to be shipped for 2 more days.
Occasionally, you'll receive a pre-ordered product before we get tracking numbers and order statuses processed into our system. EBgames.com tries to get every game into your hands at the earliest possible date. To accomplish this, we sometimes use external resources that ship the product directly from the source, thereby eliminating any handling time that we might add to the delivery.
Our systems are updated as soon as we get the data back from the external resource, which is sometimes well after your product has been shipped. When time is of the essence, we place the priority on getting the product to you rather than updating our records because, in the end, getting the product to you is what it is all about.
Our systems are updated as soon as we get the data back from the external resource, which is sometimes well after your product has been shipped. When time is of the essence, we place the priority on getting the product to you rather than updating our records because, in the end, getting the product to you is what it is all about.
