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Some thoughts on the civ

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  • #16
    Yes Krill, I know they are on the other side, and they are as weak as us, and they are in war with PAL. I suggest we give Rabbits military aid, enough to bleed PAL dry, during our tenure, in return for gold/resource or something.


    • #17
      How can we give them help? Give them iron? Archers?


      • #18
        We may give them iron right away, so they can build better troops, as we build archers. In return, they provide us tech, gold etc.


        • #19
          are you really excited to do this? I'm not, to be honest.

          I suspect one of the reasons why they all left was because they are in a tough spot.


          • #20
            I am actually semi-excited, if we can get those four demands straightened out. We can tell them what it is, then work from there if they agree, otherwise we leave too, and/or ask to resign the game.


            • #21
              works for me. let's send something to PAL.

              how about this:

              "Dear friends at PAL:

              We are the new Bananas, Omnistar and AutomatedTeller. We are hoping to bring in new people to get the civ up and going.

              We believe that Bananas, to be viable, needs 4 things from Bananas:

              1) No further southern expansion
              2) Peace till 1400 AD.
              3) No scouting of our cities.
              4) Willingness to trade resources.

              These are important to us to be willing to play the game and not just retire Bananas, thus we would need these to game-binding (ie, if PAL declares on us, they forfeit the game).

              In return, we will agree to trade resources, not expand north and keep the peace till 1400 AD, under the same terms.

              We will also not scout your lands, but we do need to make sure we can get contacts, so we may send 1 unit through your land on occasion.

              We at New Bananas hope you understand our need for this.

              Omnistar and AutomatedTeller


              • #22
                Go for it, very well written, we may even fall back to 900 AD if they ask for a limitation in years, but except for that, the point stands. This may fly, if not, we are gone.


                • #23
                  no reply from PAL yet.


                  • #24
                    still no reply.


                    • #25
                      We have 16 hours and we have a settler, plus a barb in our territory.

                      I'm thinking:

                      Move the archer to the jungle hill, rather than attack across the river - next turn, kill the barb

                      Move the settler up. Im thinking the grass hill below the gems.

                      Any thoughts?


                      • #26
                        I moved 1 archer to the jungle hill. I moved the workers to the grass hill, plus I moved the settler there. I fortified the other archer.


                        • #27
                          Barb warrior stepped onto the incense on flood plains, so will kill him with an archer.

                          Banapolis created a workboat - I think it should make a lib, so we can get a scientist in it and start taking advantage of representation.

                          I think the settler should go due west of banana pudding - that is a little squeezed by PAL, but it should cut off their southern advance.


                          • #28
                            Sent PaL a message in game, to see if they got the one earlier.


                            • #29
                              I am alive, but we need an answer from PAL to decide or not.


                              • #30
                                PaL asked for our email in game, so apparently, they didn't get our email.

