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[Off Topic] The Ashes Thread
Australia just declared at 674. England are now batting to save the game.
My neighbours (welsh) just put out a union jack flag ... we pulled out our Ozzie flag. They also found a few streaming web site ...
... select Channel 1 and you are golden!Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.
A totally gripping last day. England needed to bat all day and only had 8 wickets in hand. The captain (Collingwood) was out with about 10 overs to go, leaving 1 wicket remaining and number 10 and 11 batsman at the crease (think 2 pitches! batting). Anyway, survive they did and I bet the Australians gave them a lot of lip during those last 10 overs.
Match Drawn. Well done England - the series is really heating up.
Sooooo and my bet of 20g carries over to the Second Test (al la Skins game).Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.
Originally posted by Dreylin View Post(BTW; Strauss is the England captain, not Collingwood.)Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.
known tech bonus = 0.3 * # known / # ever alive, rounded down to nearest 0.01.
So, 5 others know it, out of 7, you get ... 0.21 bonus.
Calculating the Known Civilizations w/ Tech modifier
1) Multiply 0.30 by the number of KNOWN, LIVING civilizations, who have the tech.
2) Divide by the number of civilizations which STARTED on the map and ROUND DOWN to the hundredth place (0.01) of the quotient.
3) Add 2) to 1
Tech Known by Civilizations modifier = 1 + RDDW (0.30 * # known Civs who have the tech / # of Civs who started the gameQuote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.
some chat between sunrise and myself before the Banana talk ...
Spoiler:sunrise hi Ruff
Ruff_Hi hi
Ruff_Hi hope the tech stuff is useful but the impact is pretty small
sunrise very useful, just in terms of being able to brag
sunrise a lot of these MP guys actually have a surprising ammount of MM skill, when it comes to stuff that creates more units faster...they're actually good about tile assignments and timing growth and stuff like that. But on the tech mechanics side I still find I know some stuff they don't. I KNEW about the pre-req bonus, just not the mechanics, but the whole idea was new to them
Ruff_Hi just as long as you reference your material
Ruff_Hi the very few times I have played MP games, tech has been a very very back seat
Ruff_Hi my first game I was so worried about units that I didn't build any cottages
sunrise the game has slowely been refined
sunrise basically, attacking earlier and harder is more important than it used to be
sunrise in Civ Vanilla inland sea ren was a huge build-fest, and then people went it with 100-unit armies of Cavalry and rifles...but now generally someone will attack pretty early
sunrise people build more cottages than they used to, and fewer isn't so much that they want the tech, but rather that they want the food. Work cottages and slave to get hammers, rather than work mines
Ruff_Hi fair enough
sunrise how many days left in the Cricket war?
Ruff_Hi they just finished day 1
Ruff_Hi of the 2nd test
Ruff_Hi out of 5 tests
Ruff_Hi so, for this particular game ... max another 4 days
Ruff_Hi do you follow baseball much?
Ruff_Hi oh - and have you noticed that dsp is in the pitboss game 24/7
sunrise he does seem to be there a lot!
sunrise does he literally just not log out?
sunrise i bet that slows down the game a bit
sunrise re: baseball, I'm totally familair with it, but I dont follow it closely. I check the standings every so often, and read an occasionally story here and there. I follow college football closely and Formula 1 religiously
Ruff_Hi you are the first yank I have found that follows F1
Ruff_Hi well, I always say that a test match is like a baseball series
Ruff_Hi you know how commentators flip back to what happened in game 1 when a similar situation crops up on game 5 (ie A-Rod and his poor batting in post season)
Ruff_Hi same is true with tests - what happens in earlier tests / days affects what happens in later tests / days
Ruff_Hi it turns into a big mind game
Ruff_Hi and re DSP ... look at this ...
sunrise gotcha
sunrise yeah, no Americans like F1 except meIt is really a small community, but that's why I'm looking so forward to the EuroTrip in August and attending the gran prix there
sunrise ironically, I grew up 20 minutes from Daytona Beach and the home of NASCAR
Ruff_Hi F1 timing is great for Aust - most races occur at around 11pm Sunday night - most late owls watch it
Ruff_Hi add to that the Melbourne race
Ruff_Hi did you see Sullla's request about the new world?
sunrise yes
sunrise so we want to cover: New World, Imperio trade, Rabbits trade, and tactical stuff
sunrise right?
Ruff_Hi also mention the massive increase in maintenance that he will see
Ruff_Hi the first city will easily cost him 15g per turn
Ruff_Hi I would cover 4), 2), 1) and maybe 3)
Ruff_Hi maybe 3) is just a floater with more details to follow
Ruff_Hi we need to know more about the PAL-Rabbits relationship
DX Zoi from x.x.x.10 joined the chat 2 minutes ago
DX Zoi: hey everyone
sooooo from x.x.x.109 joined the chat 56 seconds ago
sooooo word-up negroes
Ruff_Hi hi all
Ruff_Hi is DX = Donovan?
DX Zoi: holla
sunrise hi Sooooo
Quote: "All Happiness is the release of internal pressure"
Visit my Civ IV web site for information on mods that I am involved with or use and other Civ IV tools
woo hoo! My wife publishes her first book. Buy it now in paperback format at lulu and help me retire so I can write more BUG mod code.
Originally posted by sunrise089 View PostCool. I love how an undisputed top-10 ladder player will learn about this today for the first time from lowly sunrise
And to make this post relevent to the thread: Australia got a little hurt today I think...You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.