The C&D department is putting forward a plan to snatch a barb city on PALs northern border.
Duration: T116 - T122
Forces involved:
Lady Godiva (Chariot) - current mission: scout Imperio /Templar
RBS Discovery (Galley) - current mission: scout The Channel
Jennifer (Warrior) - current mission: hang around PALs SoD
Expected gains:
Scenario A:
- Razing a barb city for cash (100+gold ?)
- Denying PAL the city - slowing down PALs expansion
- Accumulating XP for land forces involved
Scenario B:
- Keeping barb city
- Acquiring a foothold on Eastern continent
- Accumulating XP for land forces involved
Identified risks:
- Barb city well defended leading to abortion of operation at an advanced stage
- PAL anticipating our move leading to PAL attacking the city before us
Outline of operation:
Phase 1 - Scouting (T115 - T117)
Lady Godiva and RBS Discovery follow prescribed movement patterns identical to current missions.
Jennifer gathers intel on Barb City defenses resulting in either operation status "Go ahead" or "Aborted".
Detailed movement orders:
Lady Godiva: N-N (B11)
RBS Discovery: SE-SW (C6)
Jennifer: N-W (N4) (important to get line of sight onto horse pasture- whether to pillage later or already pillaged by PAL)
Jennifer: NW (M3) (important to move first -> line of sight into Barb City -> decision on operation continuation)
IF "Go ahead"
Lady Godiva: N-N-NW (A8)
RBS Discovery: S-W (B7)
Phase 2 - Approach (T118 - T121)
Lady Godiva moves into attack position while Jennifer either keeps watch on the target or detours to pillage the horses. RBS Discovery is released from operation after ferry duty.
Depending on defense status or outbreak of hostilities with Imperio, operation can be aborted at any time.
Detailed movement orders:
Lady Godiva: NE onto RBS Discovery (B7)
RBS Discovery: NE-N (C5)
Jennifer: i) moves into scouting position NW (L2) or ii) detours to pillage horses SE (N4)
RBS Discovery: NE (D4) unloads Lady Godiva and is released from operation with one movement point left
Lady Godiva: NE (E3)
Jennifer: i) remains in position (L2) or ii) detours to pillage horses E-NE (P3)
Lady Godiva: NE-E (G2)
Jennifer: i) remains in position (L2) or ii) pillages horses (P3)
Lady Godiva: SE-NE (I2)
Jennifer: i) moves into attack support position SW (K3) or ii) returns from pillage mission SW-W (N4)
Phase 3 - Attack (T122)
Lady Godiva: E-E (K2) Attack on target
Jennifer: i) N (K2) support attack on target or ii) returns from pillage mission NW (N3)
Phase 3 can be delayed if Scenario B is followed (capture target at size 2). C&D believes that Barb City spawned at T115 and works the cow tile for +3fpt. It then needs 8 turns to grow to size 2 (T123).
As Phase 1 is identical with current missions for all forces involved there is a bit of time to discuss the plan.
We would have to wait for the line of sight into the target anyway to decide on "Go ahead".
Duration: T116 - T122
Forces involved:
Lady Godiva (Chariot) - current mission: scout Imperio /Templar
RBS Discovery (Galley) - current mission: scout The Channel
Jennifer (Warrior) - current mission: hang around PALs SoD
Expected gains:
Scenario A:
- Razing a barb city for cash (100+gold ?)
- Denying PAL the city - slowing down PALs expansion
- Accumulating XP for land forces involved
Scenario B:
- Keeping barb city
- Acquiring a foothold on Eastern continent
- Accumulating XP for land forces involved
Identified risks:
- Barb city well defended leading to abortion of operation at an advanced stage
- PAL anticipating our move leading to PAL attacking the city before us
Outline of operation:
Phase 1 - Scouting (T115 - T117)
Lady Godiva and RBS Discovery follow prescribed movement patterns identical to current missions.
Jennifer gathers intel on Barb City defenses resulting in either operation status "Go ahead" or "Aborted".
Detailed movement orders:
Lady Godiva: N-N (B11)
RBS Discovery: SE-SW (C6)
Jennifer: N-W (N4) (important to get line of sight onto horse pasture- whether to pillage later or already pillaged by PAL)
Jennifer: NW (M3) (important to move first -> line of sight into Barb City -> decision on operation continuation)
IF "Go ahead"
Lady Godiva: N-N-NW (A8)
RBS Discovery: S-W (B7)
Phase 2 - Approach (T118 - T121)
Lady Godiva moves into attack position while Jennifer either keeps watch on the target or detours to pillage the horses. RBS Discovery is released from operation after ferry duty.
Depending on defense status or outbreak of hostilities with Imperio, operation can be aborted at any time.
Detailed movement orders:
Lady Godiva: NE onto RBS Discovery (B7)
RBS Discovery: NE-N (C5)
Jennifer: i) moves into scouting position NW (L2) or ii) detours to pillage horses SE (N4)
RBS Discovery: NE (D4) unloads Lady Godiva and is released from operation with one movement point left
Lady Godiva: NE (E3)
Jennifer: i) remains in position (L2) or ii) detours to pillage horses E-NE (P3)
Lady Godiva: NE-E (G2)
Jennifer: i) remains in position (L2) or ii) pillages horses (P3)
Lady Godiva: SE-NE (I2)
Jennifer: i) moves into attack support position SW (K3) or ii) returns from pillage mission SW-W (N4)
Phase 3 - Attack (T122)
Lady Godiva: E-E (K2) Attack on target
Jennifer: i) N (K2) support attack on target or ii) returns from pillage mission NW (N3)
Phase 3 can be delayed if Scenario B is followed (capture target at size 2). C&D believes that Barb City spawned at T115 and works the cow tile for +3fpt. It then needs 8 turns to grow to size 2 (T123).
As Phase 1 is identical with current missions for all forces involved there is a bit of time to discuss the plan.
We would have to wait for the line of sight into the target anyway to decide on "Go ahead".