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Turnplayer Thread #3

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  • John needs to chop the tile he's currently on (red) if we're going to get the HG by T118.


    • John continues working on the HG plan. Helmholtz (not Horowitz) should abandon Wine project and hurry support Cape Town.

      Do we have to cancel action with OBrien (Cape road) this turn to make 100% sure we can move him next turn? I think we should.

      So are we ok with offering Aesthetics for Currency asap? Ideally now.

      Last edited by mostly-harmless; February 23, 2009, 03:56.


      • Hi all, I plan to finish the actions and end the turn in about 9 hours. There are 19 hours left on the timer. I cannot really join in the discussion in the meantime. It would be really helpful, later on, if someone could summarise the actions needing to be taken to finish off the turn.


        • Cancel action for O'Brian (worker on Cape road)
          Move Helmholtz (worker on 2nd wine towards Cape Town.
          Offer Aesthetics for Currency to Imperio ingame.
          Switch A1 from monastry to archer.
          Continue with HG plan at Pink Dot.

          Did I miss anything?



          • Assuming that John chopping was included in the "Continue with HG plan at Pink Dot"


            • yep. included.


              • Update:
                Looks like Rabbits took the barb city our scout was approaching in the north (Phrygian). Nice move, sending units there while at war with PAL.

                Anyway, Rabbits quite the game and are now an AI apparently, which is annoyed towards us.



                • Originally posted by sooooo View Post
                  Hi all, I plan to finish the actions and end the turn in about 9 hours. There are 19 hours left on the timer. I cannot really join in the discussion in the meantime. It would be really helpful, later on, if someone could summarise the actions needing to be taken to finish off the turn.
                  Today turned out to be less bad than expected after a week off work, so I will log in now and complete the actions for this turn indicated by mh.

                  I'll also update a list of suggested actions for next turn for the team to discuss.


                  • Originally posted by mostly-harmless View Post
                    Cancel action for O'Brian (worker on Cape road)
                    Move Helmholtz (worker on 2nd wine towards Cape Town.
                    Offer Aesthetics for Currency to Imperio ingame.
                    Switch A1 from monastry to archer.
                    Continue with HG plan at Pink Dot.

                    Did I miss anything?

                    Actions taken, except for Archer at A1 that had already been made. Turn ended.


                    • Planned Actions T113

                      Non-Combat Units

                      Scout [Sharon]:
                      Scouting out the eastern continent


                      Worker [O'Brien]:
                      Building road connection to Twin Peaks
                      Complete road (1 turn): I think this is the best way forward, as it will help getting units to the front, especially from China Beach and A1.

                      Worker [Winston]:
                      Move 1E and road along with BD. 1 turn. T114 Move NE-E then road along with BD (1turn). T115 Move NE then road along with BD (1turn).

                      Worker [Bernard]:
                      Move 1E and road along with WN. 1 turn. T114 Move NE-E then road along with WN (1turn). T115 Move NE then road along with WN (1turn).

                      Worker [Helmholtz]:
                      Move E-E. T114 Move NE-E to join the road network.

                      Pink Dot Workers

                      Worker [Parsons]:
                      Start chopping at Pink (3 turns).

                      Worker [Syme]:
                      Re-start chop (2 turns).

                      Worker [John the Savage]:
                      Continue chop (2 turns).

                      Scouting Warrior

                      [Jennifer] - move into PAL territory in order to meet Banana boat. We might want to mention this to PAL after we move her to allay any worries they have:

                      We've already visited these tiles, so we don't gain any intel on PAL, as neither allows sight into Helio.


                      • SP: could you clarify the moves you've laid out for Winston & Bernard, I think I've got what you are planning, but not too sure.

                        They finish on the Wine square, road the second Wine to the East, then move to the square 1right of HH(?) and road that square and the one below OB?

                        Wouldn't it be better to road the tile E of the third Wine, then the grass to the NE and join the network on the Rice tile? Oh wait, the forest 1N of the Rice is roaded, but not the Rice!?

                        Oh well, looks like the best route, as roading the Rice as well only gains us 1/2mp. We're looking at 7turns of a 1move unit (or 3.5t for a horse) to get from PD to CT.

                        Minimum we could get would be 5t through Templar lands, or 5.5t by going through the desert - each would require 4more roads (including 2x Desert)

                        FYI, it's 5t from A1.


                        • Here's a graphical attempt at the proposal for Bernard and Winston's roading:

                          Dreylin is right, the rice isn't roaded. A road through the desert will be quicker for units, bt I felt that we'd be better of having a full connection in place, and then we could go back and road the desert, as we want some redundancy in case of more sabotage (or pillaging).


                          • Worker [O'Brien]:
                            Building road connection to Twin Peaks
                            Complete road (1 turn): I think this is the best way forward, as it will help getting units to the front, especially from China Beach and A1.

                            Worker [Winston]:
                            Move 1E and road along with BD. 1 turn. T114 Move NE-E then road along with BD (1turn). T115 Move NE then road along with BD (1turn).

                            Worker [Bernard]:
                            Move 1E and road along with WN. 1 turn. T114 Move NE-E then road along with WN (1turn). T115 Move NE then road along with WN (1turn).
                            When did we decide to give up on the 2nd wine, or am I reading things wrongly here? We need that to get either a strat resource or gems.

                            Also O'Brien needs to move next turn and not worry about that road. He needs to get to the copper.
                            After all, what units do we have to use those roads?

                            I disagree with the proposed worker actions.



                            • O'Brien can't reconnect the copper before we learn HBR (latest T117) even if he doesn't complete the road, mh, so what's the rush?


                              • O'B should move next turn as m_h says; he will be able to start working on connecting the copper 1t earlier than if he finishes the road, or he could end his second movement on the forest that we need chopped (SE of Cape Town). (If we can secure metal from Pal, the chop should come first).

                                One of the later Workers (Winston or Bernard) can do the extra 1t, since we're unlikely to need to move anything along it before then.

                                How long are we from connecting the Wine? I think the last estimate with two Workers was +2t for the Winery and then 1t for the Road - therefore finished on t115. Then we would be finishing the PD-CT connection on t118 and the A1-CT on t119.

                                How many turns on HBR - if >5, then we won't have anything needing to use these roads before then.

                                A compromise would be to use Helmholtz to 1/2 road the two tiles (i.e. E-Road, NE-Road, EE onto the road network). That delays him to Copper by 1t, but would allow us to connect both routes 1t earlier.

