Seeing that some people are voting for 72 hours, I am inclined to vote for 24 just to have it average out to 48. (With a revote every 50 turns as part of our vote.)
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Settings discussion.
The new options are:
No vassal states
No tech brokering
No tech trading
Choose religions
Raging barbarians
No barbarians
Game Speed
I think the only relevant thing about vassals is whether it allows people to create colonies. I don't mind about this option. I would allow all tech brokering and trading, to allow more diplomatic contact between teams. I don't mind about religions, and barbarians should be normal IMO.
The biggie is the game speed.
I would prefer normal. But if teams start to vote for epic then we could vote for quick to counteract them ...
Since barbarian activity will increase the difficulty of colonising new world, and might provide some initial challenge, I like Raging Barbs.
I also prefer Normal speed, but wouldn't mind Quick either. The problem with strategic voting (as suggested by Sooooo) is that if too many teams do it, we might end up with "Quick" as the chosen option. So we should vote for it only if we are ok with that.
I'd vote against "choose religion", because it counters CIV's idea that all religions are abstract and interchangeable, so it could bring RL religious conflicts into the game.
I also like unrestricted tech trading, to increase human diplomatic options.
And I don't care about vassals, since I never use that feature.
So my votes are:
No vassal states - don't care
No tech brokering - unchecked
No tech trading - unchecked
Choose religions - unchecked
Raging barbarians - checked
No barbarians - unchecked
Game Speed - Normal (or Quick if we want to try strategic voting)
Looks like the consensus is:
No vassal states - unchecked
No tech brokering - unchecked
No tech trading - unchecked
Choose religions - unchecked
Raging barbarians - checked
No barbarians - unchecked
Game Speed - Normal
So that's what I am sending in.
All other teams voted for normal barbs, so that's what we'll have.
I think most important effects of Deity (or other high difficulty levels) will be:
1. Lower health and happiness caps, forcing teams to actually worry about these factors from turn 1.
2. Increased barbarian activity. (So new world colonies will need real defense.)
With players like Sooooo and Sulla, RB is better prepared to handle high difficulty level than most other teams.
PS As for my own votes:
Require Complete Kills - unchecked
No Tribal Villages - checked
No Random Events - checked
Difficulty Level - Deity
Er, deity? While I don't mind the barb activity or health caps, the tech cost and maintenence increases will be very annoying and slow the game down. I vote for noble. There's no chance anyone else will vote for deity either, and we would just come off looking like smartarses. Also I reckon many people will vote for tribal villages, and tribal villages at deity could be a game turner.
Require Complete Kills - unchecked
No Tribal Villages - checked
No Random Events - checked
Difficulty Level - Noble