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Turn 0 4000 BC Starting Position (15)

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  • #61
    Originally posted by GeoModder
    Therefore I suggest to move the settler along the blue line in the attached pic. This way we can see what the hills offer (I can see already there's 1 plain hill and 2 grass hills) and are in a position to either settle on FeMme's spot or on my preference of the moment on the plot south next turn.
    Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
    The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
    Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
    Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


    • #62
      Originally posted by GeoModder

      Therefore I suggest to move the settler along the blue line in the attached pic. This way we can see what the hills offer (I can see already there's 1 plain hill and 2 grass hills) and are in a position to either settle on FeMme's spot or on my preference of the moment on the plot south next turn.
      I agree with this.
      Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.

      Member of Team Southern Cross in Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game
      Member of the Great Council of the Horde in Civ4 Team Democracy Game


      • #63

        While trying to have a closer look at the southern extremity of our landmass I accidentely moved our Settler 3!!!

        Look like we now have a choice of moving 9 to Geo's square (Red), or 6 to Fed's square (Yellow)

        Sorry folks
        Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
        The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
        Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
        Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


        • #64
          On a happier tone, while in my sleep like Sunday morning trance, I was visited by a fish spirit who told me that our landmass does indeed end at the grassland square 2-3 of the wheat, and another landmass starts very nearby to the SW of it...........

          Either that or there is a very narrow landbridge that connects the two. The fish spirit was somewhat hungover after a Saturday night on the tiles........
          Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
          The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
          Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
          Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


          • #65
            Originally posted by RP21

            Now for the next set of arguments...uh...questions:
            1. What do we name the city?
            2. What do we build? Are we brave enough for a worker or do we timid bunnies feel defenseless?
            3. What to research? Since we have mysticism, shall we use it to get an early religion?
            I'll start back to front:

            3) There are 3 teams starting with mysticism and the other 2 are both financial so will potentially have more commerce to put towards research. For this reason I think we should let those 2 fight it out and we can sneak up later either through Monotheism or by building the Oracle and taking Code of Laws.

            So my suggestion for first tech would be Fishing

            2) This depends on what we get from popping the hut near our proposed city sites. But I would like to start building a unit in order to increase our population before either switching to worker or building worker after unit is built. So that would be a warrior for me.

            1) Lots of possibilities here:

            * Watership Down
            * Carrot Central
            * Wabbit Warren
            * Holy Grail HQ
            * Caerbannog
            * Holy Hand Grenade

            Looking forward to other peoples ideas of city names.
            Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.

            Member of Team Southern Cross in Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game
            Member of the Great Council of the Horde in Civ4 Team Democracy Game


            • #66
              Originally posted by RP21

              Now for the next set of arguments...uh...questions:
              1. What do we name the city?
              What about :

              The Cave of Caerbannog
              Carrot Camp
              Rabbits Rendevous
              Happy Rabbits Enclave
              Pumpkin Palace
              Carrot Capital

              I could go on and on......

              2. What do we build? Are we brave enough for a worker or do we timid bunnies feel defenseless?
              Not too sure here, depends on what we are going to research....

              3. What to research? Since we have mysticism, shall we use it to get an early religion?
              I'd like to go for a religion, but two other civs also have mysticism and both are financial. If we go for one I think we should go for Polytheism (Hindu), as if we are unsuccessful we can always go for Masonry, which we will need anyway, and then Monotheism (Judaism)
              Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
              The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
              Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
              Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


              • #67
                Since my balls up I'm going for Geo's red square......
                Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
                The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
                Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
                Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game


                • #68
                  Originally posted by RobWorham
                  Since my balls up I'm going for Geo's red square......
                  I vote to do that.

                  FeMme will withhold your daily carrot ration.

                  As for the name, are we concerned with concealing our team identity? Or, is that not an issue once someone makes contact? I'm a little confused about that issue


                  • #69
                    Well... I guess the red square it is then.

                    6,5 hours before the timer lapses.

                    @RP21: Since every other team has simply put their teamname on the civstat list, there's no use concealing ours.

                    Talking about concealment, everyone else read the diplomail from the RealmsBeyond team?
                    Last edited by GeoModder; May 10, 2008, 21:01.
                    He who knows others is wise.
                    He who knows himself is enlightened.
                    -- Lao Tsu

                    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                    • #70
                      As on naming our cities, how about a mixture of Celtic (which Caerbannog represents I thought) and bunny stuff?

                      For our capital I suggest Caerbannog Burrow.
                      He who knows others is wise.
                      He who knows himself is enlightened.
                      -- Lao Tsu

                      SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by RP21

                        Now for the next set of arguments...uh...questions:
                        1. What do we name the city?
                        2. What do we build? Are we brave enough for a worker or do we timid bunnies feel defenseless?
                        3. What to research? Since we have mysticism, shall we use it to get an early religion?

                        Definitely not the worst start I've had
                        1. Rabbitborg.

                        The viking age ended 1066 at Monday, September 25, 6pm


                        • #72
                          Red is OK, prefer yellow, myself with the possibility of sharing that wheat if a city location to the south of it is pleasant enough. But, short term, CAP NEED FOOD. And more is better.

                          I don't do naming.

                          I favor a unit for growing, defense, and fogbusting. Maybe even scouting.
                          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                          You're wierd. - Krill

                          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                          • #73
                            Wow, looks like everything's been decided before anyone thought to announce that the game was started. But the red square looks like a decent starting spot -- and we wouldn't want to lose our chance to settle next turn.

                            For the name of our capital, I suggest "The Holy Warren," to go with the HRE theme. Caerbannog Burrow would be my second choice.
                            Adam T. Gieseler


                            • #74
                              Red Square? Don't like the sound of that.

                              Nice area, definately a significant snafu though. Ahh well.
                              Long time member @ Apolyton
                              Civilization player since the dawn of time


                              • #75
                                Who would like to do the honours then.

                                I think I have tainted this turn enough already.......
                                Let your every day be full of joy, love the child that holds your hand, let your wife delight in your embrace, for these alone are the concerns of humanity.
                                The BtS Pitboss Team Democracy Game has just started!!!
                                Come and test your metal in the Apolyton Civ4 Beyond the Sword Tri-League Tournament
                                Tohunga o kairākau of Southern Cross in the Warlords Pitboss Team Democracy Game, and Member of the Great Council and Curator of The Khan's Compendium for The Horde in the Civ4 Team Democracy Game

