Mensaje de McMeadows de los Templars debido a nuestro encuentro en la partida.
¿Alguien se ofrece a traducirlo?
Buenos dias,
That's as far as my Spanish goes. I have been assigned with the pleasant duty to greet the represantative of Imperio as a result of the in game encountering. Could the Templars be of any assistence at this point in the game? We have been wandering around ourselves as well and we might be able to guide you on your travels.
member of the Templars
That's as far as my Spanish goes. I have been assigned with the pleasant duty to greet the represantative of Imperio as a result of the in game encountering. Could the Templars be of any assistence at this point in the game? We have been wandering around ourselves as well and we might be able to guide you on your travels.
member of the Templars