Raging barbs shouldn;t really be on because it makes teams play against the Ai instead of against each other; it'll also give those teams that start with horses or copper in their caps an even bigger advatange; being able to rush at the start is quite an advantage.
No city razing should be allowed; what if you kill a team who sucked because they planted all thier cities in crap locations? You shouldn't be punished because of their bad play.
I think Big and Small would be a slightly better map than Terra if people want to make over seas colonies; the decision to expand to the islands comes alot sooner ebcause you can reach them with galleys, so they can play a much more importnat role in the game. It also has the advantage of being pangaea shaped with quite alot of coastline.
As to turn timer, 48 hours should be ideal; if you can't make it on one evening you should be able to make it to another, or if not you still have time to tell an alternative turn player what to do. (Easy to read and understand turn reports are your friend.)
No city razing should be allowed; what if you kill a team who sucked because they planted all thier cities in crap locations? You shouldn't be punished because of their bad play.
I think Big and Small would be a slightly better map than Terra if people want to make over seas colonies; the decision to expand to the islands comes alot sooner ebcause you can reach them with galleys, so they can play a much more importnat role in the game. It also has the advantage of being pangaea shaped with quite alot of coastline.
As to turn timer, 48 hours should be ideal; if you can't make it on one evening you should be able to make it to another, or if not you still have time to tell an alternative turn player what to do. (Easy to read and understand turn reports are your friend.)