I like your ideas, but I think you just might end up making more nations in the game (which I fully support! all equal at the beggining) I think better versions of this might be something like "natives" that spring up in certain newly aquired territories. They could fight you in guerrila wars which would apear as loosing your improvements, killing your people, cutting off trading, killing govenors, or attacking military units in hit-and-run missions that lower morale and slowly degrade your forces. Or large skale attacks, they could take a city but it wouldn't be any match to your army in standered combat, enemy nations can support them. As for negotiations, you could have rebell leaders to negotiat but they might not have total power over their troops.
I like your ideas, but I think you just might end up making more nations in the game (which I fully support! all equal at the beggining) I think better versions of this might be something like "natives" that spring up in certain newly aquired territories. They could fight you in guerrila wars which would apear as loosing your improvements, killing your people, cutting off trading, killing govenors, or attacking military units in hit-and-run missions that lower morale and slowly degrade your forces. Or large skale attacks, they could take a city but it wouldn't be any match to your army in standered combat, enemy nations can support them. As for negotiations, you could have rebell leaders to negotiat but they might not have total power over their troops.