Dear TMs:
After finishing version 1, we set the end of August as a preliminary deadline for thread summaries. Please post here to let me know if that will be possible for you.
What is required? Well, I learned the hard way from our first version that unless I get files from you in a standardized format, my life becomes very ugly for a few days. So, please refer to the previous list for the numbering system you should use.
Also, Brian noted that he'd like to see expanded coverage of the ideas in our first list. This, where possible, should also be included in your summaries.
Again, please post below just to let me know that you can send us your summary by the end of this month (I'll also use the posts to guage who should be given exclusive rights to post new topics in this forum, so please sign-in). Thanks!
Please e-mail Yin and Shining at:
After finishing version 1, we set the end of August as a preliminary deadline for thread summaries. Please post here to let me know if that will be possible for you.
What is required? Well, I learned the hard way from our first version that unless I get files from you in a standardized format, my life becomes very ugly for a few days. So, please refer to the previous list for the numbering system you should use.
Also, Brian noted that he'd like to see expanded coverage of the ideas in our first list. This, where possible, should also be included in your summaries.
Again, please post below just to let me know that you can send us your summary by the end of this month (I'll also use the posts to guage who should be given exclusive rights to post new topics in this forum, so please sign-in). Thanks!
Please e-mail Yin and Shining at: