I don't agree with the addition of multiple random natural disasters,but to keep those of you that love natural disasters happy how about this idea.
The Hurricane
This disaster starts randomly at sea. It roams around randomly at 4 squares per turn. If it should move into a square occupied by any vessel, well kiss that baby good bye, it's a gonner. It only reveals itself to you if you are within a 3 square radius. The huricane continues to terrorize the seas until it hits a land square, when it breaks up and dissappears. The rules for the landfall are as follows;
1)Level 1 City- totally destroyed.
2)Level 2 City- lose one population.
3)Level 3 City and up- lose one population and one ciy improvement, if no city improvement present you lose two population.
4)Any other square- regardless of what was there, is unuseable for 10 turns, then comes back into play as a plains square on the 11th turn after landfall
N.B. The Hurricane can not make landfall on a tundra, glacier or mountain square.
Well what do you think ? Anyone care to refine this proposed addition to CivIII .
The Hurricane
This disaster starts randomly at sea. It roams around randomly at 4 squares per turn. If it should move into a square occupied by any vessel, well kiss that baby good bye, it's a gonner. It only reveals itself to you if you are within a 3 square radius. The huricane continues to terrorize the seas until it hits a land square, when it breaks up and dissappears. The rules for the landfall are as follows;
1)Level 1 City- totally destroyed.
2)Level 2 City- lose one population.
3)Level 3 City and up- lose one population and one ciy improvement, if no city improvement present you lose two population.
4)Any other square- regardless of what was there, is unuseable for 10 turns, then comes back into play as a plains square on the 11th turn after landfall
N.B. The Hurricane can not make landfall on a tundra, glacier or mountain square.
Well what do you think ? Anyone care to refine this proposed addition to CivIII .