Hello, I'd like to take some of my time to explain my ideas of ethniticity in this game. Feel free to comment on them, after I'm done
First of all, what would ethniticity be? It would be differant ethnic groups living in the cities of your Empire, that are not of your people. They would be Celts, Egyptians and Carthegians living under Roman rule in differant cities.
These citizens would arrive in those cities in many differant ways. The first of these ways, and the most ovious, would be through conquest. When taking a city, your governers would take power, but the citizens would not magically become part of your people. They could retain their cutural identity inside your boarders.
This would not have to be forever true, ethniticities could disappear over time, after all, how many Babylonians do we see walking the streets of Ney York these days? Over time these populations would assimulate into your Empire. How quickly? well that would defend upon certian factors in the cities. If, in the city, let us call it Rome, there are 6 Roman citizens when your American army marches in, it would take much longer to assimualte them into your culture than it would be there were only 2 Roman citizens. Also your tolerance of these minorities woudl affect assilumation. More toerance means happier relations, but slower assimualtion, lower tolerance might mean expelling them, with a medium setting showing that you tolerate, but also try to assimualte. You could also build structures to quicken the time it takes for this to happen, but they might have negative facotrs in other areas, depending.
Another way to pick up an ethniticity in a city is through migration. If other governments are percuting a sertian group, some may flee from that Empire. By accepting them, you would get certian bonuses, as well as disadvantages.
What would be the big deal of ethniticiy? how would it affect this game? For one thing, you would need to keep relations with these ethniticities. A city that is rebelling, that has a alrge ethnic population, muight just decide to rebell and take other cities with it, to rejoin it's old nation, or to reform it. On the other hand, these minorities would be able to offer you several bennifits for keeping them happy. Such as increased production, science and money
Now lets say that the Romans in the American Empire are not doing quiet so well. They were unhappy, causing the Americans to try to percecute them slightly, but this only increased the anger. What can the Americans do to get rid of the problem once and for all?
Well it should have tried to absorb the population sooner. If you flood a city with your own settlers, and tip the ethnic scale of that city in your favor, assimulation goes quicker. Or, they could have expelled the citizens of that city into settlers and sent them to other cities, scattering the ethnic group, and making assimulation easier.
The Americans didn't do any of that, however. they allowed the Romans to remain largly holed in many of their former cities. They also neglected relations, and, when the Romans showed the first signs of disobediance, over reacted. They lowered their tolerance scale to the Romans(there woudl be an Ethniticity screen which would allow you to set your tolerance to these differant groups as well as set special programs for a cost) hoping that it would shut them up. It idn't, and so a downward spiral began between the Americans and the Romans, each one getting angrier and angrier at the other.
The final stray came when the Celts, the American's arch-enemies, attempted to set the Romans off into a rebellion. Four cities broke away, which the Amerians had to retake and crush the new nation. By this time, the Americans have grown sick of the Romans and feel they msut be taken care of. How can they do this? Well it would be possible to put an entire ethnic group into slavery in your Empire. With would decrease happiness in your cities as well as, later in the game, cause a major diplomatic incidnet, but production would sky rocket. The Americans could also evict the Romans, setting them fleeing to theh ills as refugees. This would take away large parts of those cities populations, as well as give other nations which brought them in a few bonuses. Finally, that idea would, like the previous one, be a diplomatic incident in late game. Or, finally, they could begin to attempt to kill the Romans off in those cities, perhapse with a concentration camp building. If kept secret there woudl be no diplomatic event, but if it's found out......it might nto be pretty.
As I said, it would be possible for a new nation to spring up from an ethniticty. If things got bad enough, the Romans in this American Empire might try to rebell and recreate their old nation. This might be hlped by funneling arms to dissidents by other civilizations. Or, an invading army toliberate these ethnic cities and recreate the nation. this would add a whole new side to diplomacy
Finally it would be possible for there to be more than one ethnic group in a city. Now thism ight be good, or it might be bad, if the two groups despise one another (the Americans took over the Romans, but the Romans had taken over the English so the Romans and English bitterly hate one another) there would always be the chance of riots between the two sides, with the third part stuck in the middle.