Why not have 2-D graphics for units that LOOK 3-D. Painters have been making 2-D canvases look 3-D for 500 years, why can't we. Just deftly use the power of light and shadow to make the unit look 3-d. This would kill two birds with one stone: making the units look 3d AND speeding up the interface.
By the way, EnochF, I LOVE your idea. As I recall, SMAC was going to do something like this, putting faction-specific graphics. They ditched it almost at the last minute. I don't know why. One thing: it'd probably take up some memory. Oh, and I hope you're not considering putting those age-specific fonts for city names ON the map...I wouldn't want to see hieroglyphic fonts under London or Paris or whatever - stick with the same font on the map - but for decoration purposes, it's a great idea.
Then again, it would be a bit jarring to suddenly see a new design the next turn...how about some gradual transition? Like a fade in-fade out?
By the way, EnochF, I LOVE your idea. As I recall, SMAC was going to do something like this, putting faction-specific graphics. They ditched it almost at the last minute. I don't know why. One thing: it'd probably take up some memory. Oh, and I hope you're not considering putting those age-specific fonts for city names ON the map...I wouldn't want to see hieroglyphic fonts under London or Paris or whatever - stick with the same font on the map - but for decoration purposes, it's a great idea.
Then again, it would be a bit jarring to suddenly see a new design the next turn...how about some gradual transition? Like a fade in-fade out?