I've heard some really good ideas, I would like to present my spin on them, as well as some new thoughts. This will probally be a bit lengthy, but if you have the time please read, and let me know what you think.
Ideas included: Regions, Deemphisizing Cities, Nomadic populations, Borders, various goverment formats (City-State, National, ect.). Also, Lords of the Realm has given me some inspiration.
---------- REGIONS ---------------
The map during generation will be composed of many regions. Natural terrain features (Mountains, Rivers, DEEP oceans, homoginous terrain) will form boundries, and maxinum size will be limited. Each CIV begins the game with control of 1 Region, and NOMADIC population within that region.
--Regions can be named. If more than 1 civ has control of a region, more than 1 name is allowed.
--Regions can be contested if more than 1 CIV has population within that region. Internal borders are drawn out from SETTLEMENTS. You have no acess to any resouces outside of this border unless you are allied.
--Nomads may be "squatters", working tiles within another nations borders... but do not help "claim land"
--Islands within an Archepeligo will often be combined into regions, providing that DEEP ocean does not seperate the islands.
-------------- PUBLIC WORKS --------------
The concept of Public Works from CtP will be greatly expanded. In fact PW will be used for City Improvements, Terraforming, Exploitation (building mines, farms, ect.) and construction of military units. A percentage of your population will be designated "BUILDERS". It is these builders that provide PW.
--- PW is the most crucial element to improving a region.
--- PW is NOT pooled, instead, it must all be allocated, exported (see below), or lost.
--- Projects using PW can be given priorities via the PRODUCTION SCREEN. Priorities are generalized: Defence, Transit, Habitation, Exploitation, Production (goods), Military, Terraforming and Wonders. Catagories can share priority settings, spliting available PW between them.
--- Providing enough PW is generated, ALL projects can be finished in 1 turn
----------- SETTLEMENTS --------------
Settlements are crucial for regional growth and success, while it is possible to have a large nomadic population, settlements must be built and enhanced in order for a region to prosper.
--- Settlements are built using PW. In order to build a Settlement, simply choose "New Settlement" from the PW menu, and click on an unused tile. Soon, people will move in.
--- Settlement provide shelter for populations, thus increasing the population capacity of that region.
--- Settlements provide an aera for PROFESSIONALS (merchants, scientists, ect.)
to effeciently work their occupation.
--- Settlements can be improved through expenditure of PW:
----- New technology can be implemented (similar to building city improvements)
----- General fields within that city can be improved (Industry, Housing, Commernce, Entertainment). Each area has a level associated with it, as the level increases, so does the capacity to employ workers in that field. Housing allows a population to expand or to increase in density.
--- A queue list can be created for each city, as well as default allocation of unused PW (i.e., 20% of unused PW goes to Housing, 30% goes to Industry in THIS settlement)
--- Settlements can be named
--- As settlement increase in levels of various fields, that settlement will grow and occupy additional tiles. If a settlement lacks room to grow, no further increases in fields will be allowed.
A varity of transit structures (roads, rail, ect.), Defence Structures (Bases, Walls, ect.), and exploitation structures (Mines, farms, ect.) can be built using PW.
--- To build simply choose the item wanted from the PW menu and click on an empty tile.
--- Transit helps units move quicker, it also allows you to use tiles within the region more efficently by reducing the effective distance tiles are from settlements. Transport of resouces are greatly aided by the presence of transit.
--- Defence structures give you places to train troops. Some Defence structures allows for better defence of the region (forts, walls, ect. )
--- Exploitation Structues allow a larger population of workers to harvest resouces from terrain tiles. Resouces are also FINITE (altough some are self-replenshing, like forests).
--- Terraforming allows alteration of basic terrain similar to Ctp
---------- WONDERS OF THE WORLD ---------
Also created via PW, many wonders however are actually place on the map. Choose location just like any other PW project.
---------- NOMADIC POPULATION ----------
At game start, and at other times, a portion or all of your population may be NOMADIC. Nomadic population is indicated by an Icon depicting wandering citizens.
--- Nomadic populations must have 50 people, or the entire population of the region... whicever is less. (NOTE: 1 person signifies only 1 Person)
--- Nomadic populations have a max. of 300, if they grow beyond this point, the population will split.
--- You may have more than one NOMAD per region
--- Nomads act like mobile cities! However they are VERY inefficent, and can not make use of EXPLOITATION STRUCTURES. They can however construct those Structures, and Build new SETTLEMENTS (not enhance), build WONDERS, TERRAFORM, build DEFENCES and TRANSIT.
--- As Goverment evolves from Nomadic to City-State to Regional to Confederacy to Federal (see below), nomads become less and less prevalent.
--- Nomads are created by UNEMPLOYMENT, a percent of unemployed individuals will become nomads:
----- Goverment: Nomadic, all Unemployed are Nomads
----- Goverment: City-State, 25% of Unemployed past 100
----- Goverment: Regional, 10% of Unemployed past 250 (but taken on a regional level)
----- Goverment: Confederacy, 5% of Unemployed past 500 (again, on a regional level)
----- Goverment: Federal, 1% of Unemployed past 1000 (on regional level, remember a min of 50 means at least 6000 unemployed for the first NOMAD)
----------- WORKFORCE --------------
Workforce is divided into three main aeras: Agriculture, Labor and Proffesional. In the WORKFORCE SCREEN, you can adjust the percentage of population within the three groups by use of a slider. These 3 groups are further divided into sub-catagories:
-----Wheat Farmers
-----Produce Farmers
-----Livestock Farmers
-----Dairy Farmers
-----Stone Quarrieries
-----Copper/Tin Miners
-----Iron Miners
-----Bauxite Miners
-----Coal Miners
-----Oil Drillers
-----Precious Resource Miners
-----Radioactives Miners
-----Fire Fighters
Furthermore, each area has an Unemployed %. Each sub-type can have it's own percentage set. Each sub-type also have a maxinum allowed, based upon resouces available within the region and any exploitation structures built. Numbers are color-coded to quickly determine when an area is reaching capacity.
Workforce is set on a city level in Nomadic and City-State Goverments, all others set WORKFORCE on a regional level.
------------- STOCKPILES --------------
Resouces are stockpiled to be used in various PW projects and the production of GOODS and Military. Stockpiles are City-Based in Maomadic and City-State Goverments, but can be moved with a cost of REVENUE (REVENUE is the same as GOLD, but better named). In Regional and Conferate Goverments, Stockpiles are Regional... you can move them from region to region also at a cost of REVENUE. In Confederate and Federal Goverments, a National Stockpile is used. Confederacy must move goods to that stockpile, wile Federal goverments AUTOMATICALLY move resources to national stockpiles (There are NO regional stockpiles). Any region can use this national stock.
----------- Happiness, Health, ect. --------
As goverment leans more toward the Federal end, These status level begin to become more universal:
---Nomadic&City-State: Each populations Happiness, Health, Education and Prosperity are unique and un-modified by the rest of the nation.
---Regional: These Staus level apply to each region, not to each Settlement.
---Confederacy: Regional levels are affected by national average; (Regional*2 + National)/3
---Federal: as above but more pronounced; (Regional + National*2)/3
------------- Exporting PW -------------
Public Works can be exported to other regions
--- In a nomadic goverment, no exportation is allowed and all PW projects are 2x cost
--- In a city-State Goverment, no exportation, and all PW projects EXCEPT improving that settlement are 2x cost.
--- In a regional Goverment, PW project cost normal, but exporting PW is not possible.
--- In A Conderacy, Pw may be exported. If so selected, a region will export and unused PW to a national pool that can be used by any other region set to import on that turn. However, any exported PW loses half it's value, and importing cities can import a max. of 1 PW for every 2 PW they produce. If multiple regions are set to import, the PW is divided equally.
--- In a Federal Goverment, PW exporting/Importing works the same as for a confederacy, except that the full PW (not half) goes to the National pool. And importing cities need only produce 1 PW per PW imported.
--------- ADMINISTRATORS -----------
The more towards FEDERAl a goverment is, the higher the ineffeciency will be. Administators are used to reduce this ineffciency, Federal Goverments will need a large number of Administrators, while NOMDIC goverments don't need any.
------------ NOMADIC GOVERMENTS ---------
Besides all listed advantages/Disadvantages of a nomadic goverment, here are a few more:
--- Can't improve Settlement... since they are Tempoary
--- Nomadic populations can employ more PROFESSIONALS than under other goverments
--- Nomadic Populations can have a larger stockpile than under other goverments
--- Settlements have a greatly reduced stockpile, and employment opportunities for Professionals than under other goverments.
--- Settlements can't be enhanced, although Technology can be implemented.
--- May not take advantage of any Expoltation Structure built.
That's it for now, tell me what you think... or if you want me to explain/clarify something.
Ideas included: Regions, Deemphisizing Cities, Nomadic populations, Borders, various goverment formats (City-State, National, ect.). Also, Lords of the Realm has given me some inspiration.
---------- REGIONS ---------------
The map during generation will be composed of many regions. Natural terrain features (Mountains, Rivers, DEEP oceans, homoginous terrain) will form boundries, and maxinum size will be limited. Each CIV begins the game with control of 1 Region, and NOMADIC population within that region.
--Regions can be named. If more than 1 civ has control of a region, more than 1 name is allowed.
--Regions can be contested if more than 1 CIV has population within that region. Internal borders are drawn out from SETTLEMENTS. You have no acess to any resouces outside of this border unless you are allied.
--Nomads may be "squatters", working tiles within another nations borders... but do not help "claim land"
--Islands within an Archepeligo will often be combined into regions, providing that DEEP ocean does not seperate the islands.
-------------- PUBLIC WORKS --------------
The concept of Public Works from CtP will be greatly expanded. In fact PW will be used for City Improvements, Terraforming, Exploitation (building mines, farms, ect.) and construction of military units. A percentage of your population will be designated "BUILDERS". It is these builders that provide PW.
--- PW is the most crucial element to improving a region.
--- PW is NOT pooled, instead, it must all be allocated, exported (see below), or lost.
--- Projects using PW can be given priorities via the PRODUCTION SCREEN. Priorities are generalized: Defence, Transit, Habitation, Exploitation, Production (goods), Military, Terraforming and Wonders. Catagories can share priority settings, spliting available PW between them.
--- Providing enough PW is generated, ALL projects can be finished in 1 turn
----------- SETTLEMENTS --------------
Settlements are crucial for regional growth and success, while it is possible to have a large nomadic population, settlements must be built and enhanced in order for a region to prosper.
--- Settlements are built using PW. In order to build a Settlement, simply choose "New Settlement" from the PW menu, and click on an unused tile. Soon, people will move in.
--- Settlement provide shelter for populations, thus increasing the population capacity of that region.
--- Settlements provide an aera for PROFESSIONALS (merchants, scientists, ect.)
to effeciently work their occupation.
--- Settlements can be improved through expenditure of PW:
----- New technology can be implemented (similar to building city improvements)
----- General fields within that city can be improved (Industry, Housing, Commernce, Entertainment). Each area has a level associated with it, as the level increases, so does the capacity to employ workers in that field. Housing allows a population to expand or to increase in density.
--- A queue list can be created for each city, as well as default allocation of unused PW (i.e., 20% of unused PW goes to Housing, 30% goes to Industry in THIS settlement)
--- Settlements can be named
--- As settlement increase in levels of various fields, that settlement will grow and occupy additional tiles. If a settlement lacks room to grow, no further increases in fields will be allowed.
A varity of transit structures (roads, rail, ect.), Defence Structures (Bases, Walls, ect.), and exploitation structures (Mines, farms, ect.) can be built using PW.
--- To build simply choose the item wanted from the PW menu and click on an empty tile.
--- Transit helps units move quicker, it also allows you to use tiles within the region more efficently by reducing the effective distance tiles are from settlements. Transport of resouces are greatly aided by the presence of transit.
--- Defence structures give you places to train troops. Some Defence structures allows for better defence of the region (forts, walls, ect. )
--- Exploitation Structues allow a larger population of workers to harvest resouces from terrain tiles. Resouces are also FINITE (altough some are self-replenshing, like forests).
--- Terraforming allows alteration of basic terrain similar to Ctp
---------- WONDERS OF THE WORLD ---------
Also created via PW, many wonders however are actually place on the map. Choose location just like any other PW project.
---------- NOMADIC POPULATION ----------
At game start, and at other times, a portion or all of your population may be NOMADIC. Nomadic population is indicated by an Icon depicting wandering citizens.
--- Nomadic populations must have 50 people, or the entire population of the region... whicever is less. (NOTE: 1 person signifies only 1 Person)
--- Nomadic populations have a max. of 300, if they grow beyond this point, the population will split.
--- You may have more than one NOMAD per region
--- Nomads act like mobile cities! However they are VERY inefficent, and can not make use of EXPLOITATION STRUCTURES. They can however construct those Structures, and Build new SETTLEMENTS (not enhance), build WONDERS, TERRAFORM, build DEFENCES and TRANSIT.
--- As Goverment evolves from Nomadic to City-State to Regional to Confederacy to Federal (see below), nomads become less and less prevalent.
--- Nomads are created by UNEMPLOYMENT, a percent of unemployed individuals will become nomads:
----- Goverment: Nomadic, all Unemployed are Nomads
----- Goverment: City-State, 25% of Unemployed past 100
----- Goverment: Regional, 10% of Unemployed past 250 (but taken on a regional level)
----- Goverment: Confederacy, 5% of Unemployed past 500 (again, on a regional level)
----- Goverment: Federal, 1% of Unemployed past 1000 (on regional level, remember a min of 50 means at least 6000 unemployed for the first NOMAD)
----------- WORKFORCE --------------
Workforce is divided into three main aeras: Agriculture, Labor and Proffesional. In the WORKFORCE SCREEN, you can adjust the percentage of population within the three groups by use of a slider. These 3 groups are further divided into sub-catagories:
-----Wheat Farmers
-----Produce Farmers
-----Livestock Farmers
-----Dairy Farmers
-----Stone Quarrieries
-----Copper/Tin Miners
-----Iron Miners
-----Bauxite Miners
-----Coal Miners
-----Oil Drillers
-----Precious Resource Miners
-----Radioactives Miners
-----Fire Fighters
Furthermore, each area has an Unemployed %. Each sub-type can have it's own percentage set. Each sub-type also have a maxinum allowed, based upon resouces available within the region and any exploitation structures built. Numbers are color-coded to quickly determine when an area is reaching capacity.
Workforce is set on a city level in Nomadic and City-State Goverments, all others set WORKFORCE on a regional level.
------------- STOCKPILES --------------
Resouces are stockpiled to be used in various PW projects and the production of GOODS and Military. Stockpiles are City-Based in Maomadic and City-State Goverments, but can be moved with a cost of REVENUE (REVENUE is the same as GOLD, but better named). In Regional and Conferate Goverments, Stockpiles are Regional... you can move them from region to region also at a cost of REVENUE. In Confederate and Federal Goverments, a National Stockpile is used. Confederacy must move goods to that stockpile, wile Federal goverments AUTOMATICALLY move resources to national stockpiles (There are NO regional stockpiles). Any region can use this national stock.
----------- Happiness, Health, ect. --------
As goverment leans more toward the Federal end, These status level begin to become more universal:
---Nomadic&City-State: Each populations Happiness, Health, Education and Prosperity are unique and un-modified by the rest of the nation.
---Regional: These Staus level apply to each region, not to each Settlement.
---Confederacy: Regional levels are affected by national average; (Regional*2 + National)/3
---Federal: as above but more pronounced; (Regional + National*2)/3
------------- Exporting PW -------------
Public Works can be exported to other regions
--- In a nomadic goverment, no exportation is allowed and all PW projects are 2x cost
--- In a city-State Goverment, no exportation, and all PW projects EXCEPT improving that settlement are 2x cost.
--- In a regional Goverment, PW project cost normal, but exporting PW is not possible.
--- In A Conderacy, Pw may be exported. If so selected, a region will export and unused PW to a national pool that can be used by any other region set to import on that turn. However, any exported PW loses half it's value, and importing cities can import a max. of 1 PW for every 2 PW they produce. If multiple regions are set to import, the PW is divided equally.
--- In a Federal Goverment, PW exporting/Importing works the same as for a confederacy, except that the full PW (not half) goes to the National pool. And importing cities need only produce 1 PW per PW imported.
--------- ADMINISTRATORS -----------
The more towards FEDERAl a goverment is, the higher the ineffeciency will be. Administators are used to reduce this ineffciency, Federal Goverments will need a large number of Administrators, while NOMDIC goverments don't need any.
------------ NOMADIC GOVERMENTS ---------
Besides all listed advantages/Disadvantages of a nomadic goverment, here are a few more:
--- Can't improve Settlement... since they are Tempoary
--- Nomadic populations can employ more PROFESSIONALS than under other goverments
--- Nomadic Populations can have a larger stockpile than under other goverments
--- Settlements have a greatly reduced stockpile, and employment opportunities for Professionals than under other goverments.
--- Settlements can't be enhanced, although Technology can be implemented.
--- May not take advantage of any Expoltation Structure built.
That's it for now, tell me what you think... or if you want me to explain/clarify something.