I thought I'd add something since I employed it in my most recent game. Perhaps it still falls under the category of "create defensive / offensive network."
While engaging in a massive cavalry assualt on one's neighbors, the careful construction of a RR track to each conquest, one after the other, greatly increases the damage you can inflict on one turn -- i.e., RR right up to culture border; attack city with cavs; RR to newly conquered city and to culture border of next target; attack with cavs; etc. Makes for a lot of micromanagement of course (and obviously works with other fast movers), but an old favorite for really carving up a neighbor with speed.
While engaging in a massive cavalry assualt on one's neighbors, the careful construction of a RR track to each conquest, one after the other, greatly increases the damage you can inflict on one turn -- i.e., RR right up to culture border; attack city with cavs; RR to newly conquered city and to culture border of next target; attack with cavs; etc. Makes for a lot of micromanagement of course (and obviously works with other fast movers), but an old favorite for really carving up a neighbor with speed.
