I often see AI capitals, while I found embassies after Writing, with settlers complete shield-wise but not food-wise. This doesn't depend on GA or not. In some cases, like cities in plains without irrigation, or forest cities this difference can get pretty big. A GA makes things even worse.
Let a size 1 city have 2 shielded grassland tiles. It has to produce the Spearman and the Settler. Let's assume no corruption. The Spearman is ready in 10 turns. In the same time the city grows to size 2 and makes now 3 shields. In another 10 turns the settler is ready, both shield and foodwise. So far so good. But with a GA the city has the Spearman ready after 7 turns. 3 turns later it grows to size 2 and has already produced 9 shields of the settler. It needs another 5 turns, which is already a waste, because it produces now 5 shields, and 9+5x5=34. But the settler is ready only 5 turns later, after effectively 20 turns, just like without GA. Mining makes things worse, and irrigation doesn't work well under Despotism.
I have never noticed the AIs to change build queues in order to max out production during the GA. On its place, I would stop to REX entirely and use the GA to arm a big force and counterattack the human player. But in it's current state, the AI eagerly agrees to peace 6-8 turns later and often gives even a tech and gold for it. It will continue 12-14 turns wasting it's GA for nothing.
I once fought a war with Knights with the Romans against the Greeks. That was in the CFC tourney game, IIRC 1-2, you should remember this, alexman. I faced their GA in many, good developed cities, a part of them on hills. My Knights died like flies, while the Hoplite machine made one of them every 2 turns. In each city! It was a big pain in the butt. I managed to advance tho, because the whole conquered Egypt produced Knights for me in addition to my own empire. Without their GA my chances would have been significantly better and my losses less.
Let a size 1 city have 2 shielded grassland tiles. It has to produce the Spearman and the Settler. Let's assume no corruption. The Spearman is ready in 10 turns. In the same time the city grows to size 2 and makes now 3 shields. In another 10 turns the settler is ready, both shield and foodwise. So far so good. But with a GA the city has the Spearman ready after 7 turns. 3 turns later it grows to size 2 and has already produced 9 shields of the settler. It needs another 5 turns, which is already a waste, because it produces now 5 shields, and 9+5x5=34. But the settler is ready only 5 turns later, after effectively 20 turns, just like without GA. Mining makes things worse, and irrigation doesn't work well under Despotism.
I have never noticed the AIs to change build queues in order to max out production during the GA. On its place, I would stop to REX entirely and use the GA to arm a big force and counterattack the human player. But in it's current state, the AI eagerly agrees to peace 6-8 turns later and often gives even a tech and gold for it. It will continue 12-14 turns wasting it's GA for nothing.
I once fought a war with Knights with the Romans against the Greeks. That was in the CFC tourney game, IIRC 1-2, you should remember this, alexman. I faced their GA in many, good developed cities, a part of them on hills. My Knights died like flies, while the Hoplite machine made one of them every 2 turns. In each city! It was a big pain in the butt. I managed to advance tho, because the whole conquered Egypt produced Knights for me in addition to my own empire. Without their GA my chances would have been significantly better and my losses less.