The way I use the term, a "dirty trick" is an AI exploit that isn't necessarily game-breaking. Put another way, it's those little strategies that we figure out work so well against the computer opponents, but that would rarely (if ever) work in multiplayer.
In this thread I want to outline the dirty tricks that I've frequently use. I know that all lot of this strategy has been discussed before in other places, but nowhere (that I know of) is there a central collection of these tricks. My hope is that others will post their own dirty tricks so that we all become experts at beating the AI.
1. The turn before declaring war with another civ, get some of their best techs in exchange for "per turn" deals. For instance, give 250gtp in exchange for Communism, and declare war the next turn. You won't have lost anything, and will have gained another tech. This may not always work if your reputation is already bad.
This trick works because the AI doesn't know when you're poised to attack, but only your relative military strength.
2. Sign military alliances to get all your neighbours to go to war, ideally with both sides of roughly equal strength. Do not participate in the fighting, but declare peace with your opponents as soon as possible. This effectively allows you to focus on building up your empire, while the computer opponents are focusing on a difficult war.
This trick works because the AI has no real concept of "alliance" over and above "being at war with the same civ".
3. Identify all the strategic and/or luxury resources in a neighbors territory by trading for their Territory/World map. Sign a Right of Passage agreement, and fortify any unit on any resource inside their territory not connected via a road network. Since the other civ's Workers can no longer build roads on that tile, you've denied them a resource. This trick works especially well if you've managed to previously pillage their roads during wartime, potentially denying the civ Iron or Horses (for instance) indefinitely.
This trick works because the AI doesn't understand that it should have access to resources inside its territory.
4. Restrict the movement of various friendly units with units of your own. For instance, if a civ sends a Settler to found a city in a location your were planning to claim, send a few Warriors to block its path. With three units you can usually get the AI to "shuffle" back and forth indefinitely, ensuring that the Settler never reaches its destination. Excess units can be used to build an entire fortified wall for blocking purposes, which is more resource-intensive but eliminates the micro-management of moving units back and forth.
This trick works because the AI has no concept of progress with regard to movement.
5. During your REX phase, leave small "pockets" of unclaimed land surrounded by a few other cities. The AI will eventually plan to found their own cities in those locations, and you simply let them. Surrounded by the overwhelming cultural influence of the rest of your empire, those cities will eventually flip to your side. The pockets can be chosen to be especially infertile locations which wouldn't be good for the early game. This strategy allows you to cover more ground during the REX phase, possibly denying the AI some nice city sites.
This trick works becaues the AI cannot determine in advance whether a city is prone to cultural flip.
6. Similar to #1, sign Mutual Protection Pacts to get the world into heavy war, and watch from the sidelines. Although you do have to commit some forces to the field for your Pact to kick in (by having the enemy attack one of your units or cities), you don't need to have any intention of winning any major battles. Around Communism this is especially useful, as most AI civs switch to Communism in wartime, crippling their economy.
This trick works because the AI undervalues the negative effects of going to war.
7. During wartime, use non-combat units to lure enemy forces out into the field. Foreign Workers are especially good for this, but Settler, Explorer and weak military units are subsitutes in a pinch. The AI almost always attacks the easiest target it can reach with its best offensive units. This opens up the possibility of counter-attacks by your own forces. Special care must be taken with enemy units with more than 1 movement point (especialy Cavalry), as they can potentially grab your Worker and retreat in the same turn.
This trick works because the AI cannot strategically "look ahead" beyond its current turn.
8. Use a two-pronged attack plan, but scatter your prongs in time (I'll clarify!) Split your attack force into two roughly equal groups. Attack one major target with one group. A few turns later, attack at another locations that is quite distant from the first offensive (boats may be required to get the second force into position). The AI commits most of its military strength in the initial defense ("most" meaning all units other than city defenses). The second offensive should meet little resistance as most of it is busy with the first.
This trick works because the AI simply overcommits its offensive and defensive units in defense (in other words, it sends everything it has to repel an attacker).
Whew, thanks for reading! Any additions?
In this thread I want to outline the dirty tricks that I've frequently use. I know that all lot of this strategy has been discussed before in other places, but nowhere (that I know of) is there a central collection of these tricks. My hope is that others will post their own dirty tricks so that we all become experts at beating the AI.
1. The turn before declaring war with another civ, get some of their best techs in exchange for "per turn" deals. For instance, give 250gtp in exchange for Communism, and declare war the next turn. You won't have lost anything, and will have gained another tech. This may not always work if your reputation is already bad.
This trick works because the AI doesn't know when you're poised to attack, but only your relative military strength.
2. Sign military alliances to get all your neighbours to go to war, ideally with both sides of roughly equal strength. Do not participate in the fighting, but declare peace with your opponents as soon as possible. This effectively allows you to focus on building up your empire, while the computer opponents are focusing on a difficult war.
This trick works because the AI has no real concept of "alliance" over and above "being at war with the same civ".
3. Identify all the strategic and/or luxury resources in a neighbors territory by trading for their Territory/World map. Sign a Right of Passage agreement, and fortify any unit on any resource inside their territory not connected via a road network. Since the other civ's Workers can no longer build roads on that tile, you've denied them a resource. This trick works especially well if you've managed to previously pillage their roads during wartime, potentially denying the civ Iron or Horses (for instance) indefinitely.
This trick works because the AI doesn't understand that it should have access to resources inside its territory.
4. Restrict the movement of various friendly units with units of your own. For instance, if a civ sends a Settler to found a city in a location your were planning to claim, send a few Warriors to block its path. With three units you can usually get the AI to "shuffle" back and forth indefinitely, ensuring that the Settler never reaches its destination. Excess units can be used to build an entire fortified wall for blocking purposes, which is more resource-intensive but eliminates the micro-management of moving units back and forth.
This trick works because the AI has no concept of progress with regard to movement.
5. During your REX phase, leave small "pockets" of unclaimed land surrounded by a few other cities. The AI will eventually plan to found their own cities in those locations, and you simply let them. Surrounded by the overwhelming cultural influence of the rest of your empire, those cities will eventually flip to your side. The pockets can be chosen to be especially infertile locations which wouldn't be good for the early game. This strategy allows you to cover more ground during the REX phase, possibly denying the AI some nice city sites.
This trick works becaues the AI cannot determine in advance whether a city is prone to cultural flip.
6. Similar to #1, sign Mutual Protection Pacts to get the world into heavy war, and watch from the sidelines. Although you do have to commit some forces to the field for your Pact to kick in (by having the enemy attack one of your units or cities), you don't need to have any intention of winning any major battles. Around Communism this is especially useful, as most AI civs switch to Communism in wartime, crippling their economy.
This trick works because the AI undervalues the negative effects of going to war.
7. During wartime, use non-combat units to lure enemy forces out into the field. Foreign Workers are especially good for this, but Settler, Explorer and weak military units are subsitutes in a pinch. The AI almost always attacks the easiest target it can reach with its best offensive units. This opens up the possibility of counter-attacks by your own forces. Special care must be taken with enemy units with more than 1 movement point (especialy Cavalry), as they can potentially grab your Worker and retreat in the same turn.
This trick works because the AI cannot strategically "look ahead" beyond its current turn.
8. Use a two-pronged attack plan, but scatter your prongs in time (I'll clarify!) Split your attack force into two roughly equal groups. Attack one major target with one group. A few turns later, attack at another locations that is quite distant from the first offensive (boats may be required to get the second force into position). The AI commits most of its military strength in the initial defense ("most" meaning all units other than city defenses). The second offensive should meet little resistance as most of it is busy with the first.
This trick works because the AI simply overcommits its offensive and defensive units in defense (in other words, it sends everything it has to repel an attacker).
Whew, thanks for reading! Any additions?