lol@ DeepO: knowing where you come from I didn't think you would like these changes, cultural diversity and all that. 
But I agree with you, If all the AI are the same then certainly on some maps under the right conditions, they will be killer civs, I.E. unbeateble( maybe to strong a word
But most of the time I'm guessing they will all be little more then mediocre.
And this really is no fun at all.
When they're different from each other though, surely some will not make into the modern or even industrial age. But at least ther's a very good chance a few will go on the become superpowers.
So I would be quite reluctant to change much too, maybe a few tweaks here and there.
But what you can do though, is when you are going to play a pangea map for example, is change certain things that won't be as important (build naval springs to mind offcourse), afterall Firaxis made this list to work on all maps.
Sounds a bit like nature doen't it

But I agree with you, If all the AI are the same then certainly on some maps under the right conditions, they will be killer civs, I.E. unbeateble( maybe to strong a word

But most of the time I'm guessing they will all be little more then mediocre.
And this really is no fun at all.
When they're different from each other though, surely some will not make into the modern or even industrial age. But at least ther's a very good chance a few will go on the become superpowers.
So I would be quite reluctant to change much too, maybe a few tweaks here and there.
But what you can do though, is when you are going to play a pangea map for example, is change certain things that won't be as important (build naval springs to mind offcourse), afterall Firaxis made this list to work on all maps.
Sounds a bit like nature doen't it
