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The key to AI greatness

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  • #46
    First off, I totally applaud the effort. As I've stated before, I think the challenge for any worldgame developer in meeting the needs / desires of the spectrum from builder to warmonger inherently limits the AI civs to a lower level of performance than I'd like to play against... thus, the search for ways to generate killer AI civs.

    Thus far, I've tried approaches to this OTHER than going into the editor. In general, just using player settings, I've found that a) differentiated quality of starting territory and b) distance between civs seem to be the greatest factors. The strong get stronger, indeed. Where I've been frustrated is that often the successful AI civs don't push there advantage as much as one of us would.

    My guess is that these build preferences are where the answers lie... this is actually much more important to me than most of the modding discussions I've seen thus far, which have primarily focused on units, buildings, and techs.

    Some comments:


    Alexman sort of went wild in re-setting build preferences. While I think thats fine for scenarios, I am mostly interested in improving the basic game, so I would tend towards minimalist tweaks. I also think that gameplay balance is incredibly difficult to manage... again, hats off to Soren and company, and it's my guess that just a few changes to build preferences will edge certain AI civs over into a killer state (again, predicated on their initial environment in a given game).


    Basically, I want the killer AI civs that arise to play with a combination of the tactics / strategies that people discuss here and at CFC.

    (I can just see it: "Oh no, it's a Horse-Samurai-Cav-Tank Army!!! %$@!@$@#@% Must be the Theseus code in the AI!!")

    Seriously, I want the AI to do the same things we do... oscillate, don;t go offensive without barracks, upgrade units, attack along hills / mountains, follow Vel's fanatical insistence on Marketplaces, get Factories up ASAP, etc.

    I'm not asking for a re-write of the code, but I think, with the patches to date, we can tweak build preferences to get there.

    If I had to pick the things WE do that the AI civs don't, but that I think build preferences can help: Barracks (except I don;t know where these fall in the preferences), offensive land units, and treasury management.


    Before trying to make specific suggestions, I have a question for all: What AI civs already seem to be the closest to killers?

    For me, it's been Egypt, France, Germany, and Greece...

    What are their existing characteristics, and are there any commonalities? For instance, all four have a preference for Culture!! WTF? What role does that play in their successes?

    Can we get some discussion on this point, before trying to reach a consensus on what changes might be most beneficial?
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Theseus

      For me, it's been Egypt, France, Germany, and Greece...
      For me it is Persia almost every time.
      The last 3 big games I've played on Regent have seen me dominate one continent and have to fight a strong Persian empire on another continent. Strange that it has worked out like that.
      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


      • #48

        In my experience:

        Stong: France, Greece, Egypt and China (note 3 industrious civs in there)

        Medium: Aztecs, India, Babylon, Persia, Japan, America, Russia & Iroquois (hmm, lots of religious civs)

        Weak: Rome, Germany, Zulu, England

        What do I notice? Well, without even looking at build preferences, 3 out of 4 "weak" civs are aggressive militarists with a mediocre 2nd trait. England just sucks. Three out of four "strong" AI civs are industrious, and all have medium-low aggressiveness ratings. In other words, they will attack only when they are stronger. Greece and China have UU's the AI can't help but benifit from, and France's is well-timed. Egypt's is really only powerful in the hands of the human.

        Now, I have seen some of these civs in different categories in particular games. I've seen a stong India and a weak Greece. But I've never seen a strong Rome, Zululand or England. France, given time to develop, is almost always solid.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #49
          What are their existing characteristics, and are there any commonalities? For instance, all four have a preference for Culture!! WTF? What role does that play in their successes?
          What do cultural buildings do? They produce either WORKING (as opposed to specialist) citizens, especially in metropolises, or they produce science.


          • #50
            Greece and Egypt have build orders which match their traits:

            Greece = Sci/Comm -> Sci/Trade/Culture
            Egypt = Rel/Ind -> Prod/Culture/Growth

            France and China don't match up perfectly:

            Fr = Ind/Comm -> Happy/Trade/Culture
            Ch = Ind/Mil -> Growth/Prod/Sci

            Perhaps their industriousness and medieval UU is what saves them.

            India is one of the few (only? I need to look again) civs with 4 "build often" orders: Growth, Wealth, Trade, Culture. This suggests, to me, that if you give them some time w/o being attacked, they could do well. In a recent game I didn't play out, India was heinously big in ancient times. Of course, I was attacking them...

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • #51
              Now we're talkin'....

              About other civs: I've seen Rome powerful once. I've seen India get veeery large, but without power. I agree about China, although they never seem to be among the final superpowers.

              Arrian, I didn't quite follow that last post. What do you think Industrious matches up to?
              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


              • #52
                After everyone's comments, I agree that a better approach to creating a killer AI would be one with smaller changes, at least initially.

                Here's a revised table of build priorities that might work:
                Civilization  Off Def Arty Setl Work Nav Air Grth Prod Hap Sci Wlth Trad Expl Cult
                Rome (4)       X   -                          -    X                 +         +
                Egypt (3)                                     X    X    +       +              -
                Greece (3)                            -            +        X        X         X
                Babylon (4)                                        +    +   X                  X
                Germany (5)    X                                   +        X        +         -
                Russia (4)                                -   X    +        X        +
                China (2)          +                          -    X        -        +         +
                America (3)                               X   X    X    +                      -
                Japan (4)      X                      -            +    X            +
                France (1)                                         +    X            X         X
                India (1)                                     -    +    +       X    X         -
                Persia (4)     X                                   +        +   X    -
                Aztecs (4)     X                                   +    X            +
                Zulu (5)       X                                   +                 +    +
                Iroquois (2)                                  X    +    X                 X
                England (3)                           X            +            -    X         X
                X = original
                - = removed
                + = added
                In modifying the table, I followed these rules:[list=1][*]Maximum of four build-often items per civ.[*]Production a build-often for everyone[*]Each civ needs at least one marketplace category (trade, wealth, or happiness)[*]Take advantage of civ traits: Scientific->Science, Religious->Happiness, Militaristic->Offense (or Defense) and trade (cheap harbors etc), Expansionist->Growth or Explore.[*]Don't change anything unless it violates one of the above rules.[/list=1]

                Theseus, what do you think? Could we set up the next AU course with this, or a similarly modified AI build list? It would be interesting to compare notes on how the AI is affected by these changes.

                India: wealth instead of growth
                Rome: culture instead of growth
                China: culture instead of growth
                Persia: wealth instead of trade

                Egypt: wealth instead of culture
                Last edited by alexman; July 30, 2002, 13:56.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by alexman

                  Theseus, what do you think? Could we set up the next AU course with this, or a similarly modified AI build list? It would be interesting to compare notes on how the AI is affected by these changes.
                  It would be interesting to repeat AU 101 using these modified values. That way we would having a direct comparison.
                  If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                  • #54
                    Hmm... good idea, but I don't think it's possible. How do you edit the rules in a save? I don't think you can import its map into another bic file either.


                    • #55

                      Some questions:

                      * Why add Def to China?
                      * I thought Soren indicated that Wealth was good for some builds too... are you assuming that having both Wealth and Trade is overkill?
                      * As I pointed out in an earlier post, Culture might be one of the key prefs... how about alternating Prod and Cult?

                      I definitely envision using this for AU... I'd love to get a minimalist approach to unit / building mods, maybe from Vel and those guys, and merge it with this.

                      Good work!!
                      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                      • #56
                        Re FPs point, we could generate a new map with all the same settings as AU 101... although starting environment would differ for each of the civs, which is probably the biggest determinant of who goes killer.
                        The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                        Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Theseus
                          * Why add Def to China?
                          China is militaristic. I thought flagging defensive units would at least take some advantage of their trait (and add variety). Perhaps they will build more barracks. I didn't add the offensive units flag because China is the only militaristic civ with low aggression. But maybe it's better to flag offensive units, as the AI makes enough defensive units as it is. I don't know.

                          * I thought Soren indicated that Wealth was good for some builds too... are you assuming that having both Wealth and Trade is overkill?
                          Initially I was proposing to put wealth in the build-never list, which is clearly a very bad idea. I started out with the intention of keeping Wealth flagged for some civs, but that would make them have more than four items in their list. Whenever there was a choice between a trade and wealth, I chose trade, because the latter clearly has more valuable builds, especially for militaristic civs.

                          * As I pointed out in an earlier post, Culture might be one of the key prefs... how about alternating Prod and Cult?
                          Culture and Production have very different builds. You clearly need both. On the other hand, happiness and science produce culture, so there is some overlap there. How about ensuring that each civ gets at least one culture-producing build-often category (culture, science, happiness)?

                          I'd love to get a minimalist approach to unit / building mods, maybe from Vel and those guys, and merge it with this.
                          I suggest player 1's conservative patch suggestion mod. He has made some brilliant tweaks that nonetheless keep the original Civ3 flavor.

                          Re FPs point
                          If we start from a bic file instead of a save, we can use the same map to create two initial saves with different AI strategies. We could post both saves as part of AU102, and people could choose which one to play, if not both.


                          • #58
                            China: Get it.

                            Wealth: At least one civ should have this... change one of the Comm?

                            Culture: Good solution. BTW, I think Zulus have none.

                            I'll check out player1's mod.

                            Re AU 102, let me think about which one might best highlight the differences in the emergence of killer AI civs.
                            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Arrian

                              In my experience:

                              Stong: France, Greece, Egypt and China (note 3 industrious civs in there)

                              Medium: Aztecs, India, Babylon, Persia, Japan, America, Russia & Iroquois (hmm, lots of religious civs)

                              Weak: Rome, Germany, Zulu, England
                              I think it depends on the eras and starting locations, but here's what I've noticed:

                              Strong: Russia, Japan, Persia

                              Moderate: England, Aztecs (if they get a good stronghold), China, Germany (depends on their starting posistion too..), India, Iroquois

                              Weak: Greece, France, Egypt, Babylon (they can expand fast, but in my games, take out their capital and surronding cities, and they're toast), America, Zulu, Rome

                              While Greece and France have some of the best defensive units, I have yet to see the French USE their musketeers! I've used them with great success, since their stats are like 2 swordman in one.
                              Come over to CFC! | My Pre-Apolyton Roots! ;)
                              Civfanatics Moderator of the Civ3, Civ4 Sections and the MP Demogame
                              Born in TUC2S, Raised in Apolyton, Currently living in CFC. :D


                              • #60

                                Well, that's about the opposite of my observations. Clearly, all of this is heavily dependent on geography. A nice starting spot will mask terrible traits/build preferences.


                                Perhaps the scientific civs ought to have "happiness" instead of "culture." They are all flagged to build scientific things anyway. Happiness will encourage temples, cathedrals, colosseums and marketplaces.

                                I'd say add wealth and drop culture from Egypt. The addition of happiness keep culture production solid and get some more markets in there... and wealth will top that off. Actually, when you think about it, Growth+Production+Happiness+Wealth = Civ in a nutshell.

                                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

