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Corruption & Courthouse

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  • #16
    The biggest problem with Courhouses is that they are not giving anything to cities far away from capital (explained in first post).

    So giving them some benefit (similar like in 1 post) will make them very important.

    Still, those high away cities will have lot of corruption, but they will be alble to build something like riflemen or Temple by themself.


    • #17

      as a Flemish/Dutch saying goes:

      "Je slaat de nagel op z'n kop" --> "You hit the nail on its head /from above"
      --> You couldn't be more right .

      Kind regards,
      Last edited by AJ Corp. The FAIR; March 14, 2002, 17:22.
      " Deal with me fairly and I'll allow you to breathe on ... for a while. Deal with me unfairly and your deeds shall be remembered and punished. Your last human remains will feed the vultures who circle in large numbers above the ruins of your once proud cities. "
      - emperor level all time
      - I'm back !!! (too...)


      • #18
        Re: Re: Corruption & Courthouse

        Originally posted by Shaka II

        Communism has the communal level of corruption, the same high rate, independent of distance from capital. I think this is the government you need to conquer the world, but I am more of a builder and not a world conquerer.
        Communism gets worse as you acquire or build more cities. I believe it is based more on the # of cities than average distance to capital. The core cities will have somewhat less corruption than the outlying ones, thus distance to capital is a real factor, albeit not much.

        In one game, w/ about 4X the optimal # of cities, the corruption reached >50% in all cities. Waste is always a bit worse.
        [c3c] 1.22(f?)
        For better barbarians, add NoAIPatrol=0 to conquests.ini (see this thread )


        • #19
          The Afghans produce approximately 2% as much per capita as Americans. That means shields in Philadelphia would be about 50-100; shields in Kabul would be 1-2. With a reasonable home-rule government, hopefully they will do better in the future (Republic with proximity to the capital).


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by Zachriel
              The Afghans produce approximately 2% as much per capita as Americans. That means shields in Philadelphia would be about 50-100; shields in Kabul would be 1-2. With a reasonable home-rule government, hopefully they will do better in the future (Republic with proximity to the capital).
              Governments & Infras. are much more importatnt here (then corruption)

              Which means: Factories, Banks and Lots of luxury (to prevent using of sliders)

