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4th Apolyton Civ3 Tournament : 12-31/Jan/2002

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  • #31
    I probably will not finish this game.
    I have re-started it with the file, a few times already 3-4 times,
    just not my level, I guess.
    Can you start over from the beginning of the game?
    Just in case I have more time in future type games.
    This ones a booger!


    • #32
      Okay, sounds like fun.

      One question: how do you remove the goody huts? I can't find that option anywhere.



      • #33
        Loki1000 -

        If you are using Civ3 Copy Tool just select Integrated Civ3 Tools->Savegame Modifier from menu. That will open up a different window. Load a saved game, and then click on the Map tab. There is a button to remove huts, then save.


        • #34
          Originally posted by loki1000
          One question: how do you remove the goody huts? I can't find that option anywhere.
          i'm opening "sea holes" in the ground
          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


          • #35
            Thanks again to MarkG for the Tournament

            In past games I've restarted due to such dismall Starting Locations. It took this tournament for me to stick it out. As a result I am playing the most difficult , frustrating and therefore most enjoyable game yet.

            Has anyone achieved a Golden Age?
            Usually playing the Germans I go into a Golden Age after building Sun Tzu's Art of War. However this time I was beaten to the punch. I built Newton's University but that did not yeild a Golden Age as I'd expected. I guess I'll have to wait until a Panzer victory.
            Last edited by White Elk; January 18, 2002, 14:21.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Aeson
              Loki1000 -

              If you are using Civ3 Copy Tool just select Integrated Civ3 Tools->Savegame Modifier from menu. That will open up a different window. Load a saved game, and then click on the Map tab. There is a button to remove huts, then save.
              What's the Civ3 Copy Tool, or more importantly, where can I get it?

              Thanks, Aeson.



              • #37
                Originally posted by White Elk

                Has anyone achieved a Golden Age?
                Usually playing the Germans I go into a Golden Age after building Sun Tzu's Art of War. However this time I was beaten to the punch. I built Newton's University but that did not yeild a Golden Age as I'd expected. I guess I'll have to wait until a Panzer victory.
                I had to wait for panzer victory too.


                • #38

                  just came to get the savegame as i feel ready to play a hard monarchy game and i find this discouraging thing
                  well, i thought it was worth a post...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by loki1000
                    What's the Civ3 Copy Tool, or more importantly, where can I get it?
                    The utility can be downloaded from here:

                    The Civ3 Copy Tool Thread


                    • #40
                      A bloody game.

                      First it was diificult to find a good spot in the SE.
                      In the beginning good relations with the Russians but when they had iron and I not a campaign was released.

                      Afterwards I tried to have good relationship with everybody but the Persions stayed furious. Giving a city to the US gave me a gracious relationship.

                      So together with he UK and US navy a campaign against the Persians started. With some well placed stacks i managed they having no bonus-cities. But many losses against their immortals and cavalry. I still had a leader but not yet a goal for him

                      The US were far ahead with technology catching up was not possible. The war was over and the US tried to place a spy but failed. Next turn the declared war on me. lucklily my defencepact with the UK was still in place. I managed to sink their ships with armour.

                      Now it was racing for the UN-wonder, first to get in the new era and then to discover the science needed. While the US was already building this wonder. Selling and swapping tech's with my UK allies managed to get this wonder in time with my leader.

                      I expected to win at once becuase of gracous rellations with the Chines and the English but there were three parties to vote on: 50% was not enough.

                      The second vote without the English was won with 75%.
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        A bloody game (2)

                        The result: 2016 pts in 1942.


                        • #42
                          Yes, I Agree

                          This terrian is very difficult....

                          VERY VERY Good..... I Think that is very difficult make more than 2000 points.....

                          Thank you.
                          Thank you.
                          Thank you.


                          • #43
                            Space race victory 2031 AD 1980 Pts

                            Warning: major spoiler


                            There were times in this game I thought I was a goner. Russians, Persians, Engish, Americans, all after my blood while I'm trying to catch up.

                            From the top:

                            With my starting settler, I gambled that moving east might yield better terrain. It didn't. That wasted 8 turns, moving to the west cost another few. After a millenium sojourn, the German people were ready to build a shack.

                            From there I expanded to a few fertile spots before my scouts found Moscow. The Russians were annoyed with me for some reason. I can't remember exactly what triggered the war, but we were fighting soon after first contact. Managed to destroy them fairly easily with archers+spearmen. They respawned, of all places, at my abandoned starting location.

                            Before I had a chance to secure the entire continent, the Persians showed up. They were 6 or 7 techs ahead of me, almost in medieval times. Persians dropped a settler in the jungles on my continent.

                            I tried to take the town, but I hadn't anticipated the galley with immortals in it. Attempt failed, Persians took one of my towns instead. Spent a dozen turns warding off galley drops. Tense times, every mobile defender chasing galleys around the coastline. Eventually, the Persian effort declined and I got the upper hand.

                            Halfway through these wars, I was lucky enough to spot the small continent/large island northwest of my territory. Early recon revealed very promising terrain. I stayed the war effort a few turns to ship 2 settlers over. Those towns spawned another two to culturally fill the island and went on to slowly grow. Brandenburg was destined to get the Forbidden Palace and turn the island into a literary stronghold.

                            Now, secure on my continent, small island and big island, I was finally able to switch to Democracy and start building things. By the end of medieval times I was tech leader in our corner of the world. No one had seen the American/English yet.

                            Railroads were, as usual, a big step. Electricity, also, was major. None of the islands had rivers. Irrigation raised the population by ~50% on average. Theory of Evolution was the first wonder I managed to build. It put me firmly in tech lead, 2/3 ahead of even the Americans. I sold all the techs I got to the AIs, provided they had something worthy to offer.

                            At this time, the Americans were huge, dozens of size 12 bases. The English were slightly behind them. The Persians and I were half of the Americans. The Romans and Russians were as good as dead. I was desperately trying to figure out if I could prevent the Americans from taking over either the Persians or the English.

                            I was a little skeptical when the Americans offered me a mpp/rop, but went for it anyway. Good thing, a decade later the Persians decided to rid the world of me. Spent some time fidgeting with boats and marines. That worked fine on the islands I grabbed from the Persians, but when I took one of their continental cities, my marines were greeted by a few dozen cavalry. O-kay, changed routine to include infantry and that was sufficient.

                            Then came the Panzers. Within a decade or two, the Persians were history. Dang, that is one powerful UU. It also got me the Golden Age. Only... pretty much the same time my civilization descended into anarchy. Doh! Eight long years of anarchy were enough to get the Persians to sign the treaty handing over all bases to me. Panzers took care of that.

                            With the Persians down, only England, America and I had a shot at victory. I controlled most of former Persia, but those were all corrupt towns beyond redemption. I moved my capital to Hannover, slightly more central on the main continent.

                            Early modern times were spent building up momentum for the space race, as well as building tactical nukes and shipping them off to the American coast, where they waited I tried with all my might to get the Americans to drop out of Democracy, but to no avail. I withheld all luxuries and techs from them. They felt no need to continue the mpp/rop deal.

                            However I tried, the Americans were beating me in tech and beating me in production. Something needed to be done, but I wasn't in a position to do it, yet. Starting a war would mean my research grinding to a halt and possibly dropping to anarchy again...

                            Then the English attacked Aargh! What's a man got to do to get some peace! Their attack consisted of 6 cavalry and a longbowman waltzing into Panzer-infested former Persia. Silly English. I eradicated them from the Persian continent. This gave me my third leader, Richtoffen, which I stored for future use.

                            And the English do something stupid. They drop a nuke on Moscow. Why, I don't know. The Americans responded promptly by declaring war on them and nuking the top 5 English cities. I signed a peace treaty and let them work it out.

                            As I researched Synth Fibers, I stopped to check the American progress and I noticed they had it already. Also, I'd been informed they were constructing the Party Lounge, so they already had all the techs to contruct the whole ship. Still, my spy showed they had 6 parts done and 3 in production. One part unaccounted for, that gives me a chance.

                            I sold every non-essential building and unit I had and switched every town's production to wealth, except for those building SS parts. That was enough to allow me to research Nuclear Power (and Laser) in 4 turns.

                            Remember those nukes I sent to America's coast? When I was sure I could finish the research and SS despite war, I dropped them on strategic points, namely aluminium, luxuries and uranium. The Americans were busy fighting the English anyway, and they only had one nuke left to retaliate.

                            The Party Lounge was hurried with the last leader, Richtoffen.


                            I'm glad I survived it. Mark, whatever inspired you to pick this map, I suggest you stick with it. Challenge is fun, and this map was challenging.

                            NB. About the savegame: use Richtoffen to finish the Party Lounge in the city of your choice to finish the game (he's waiting in Hannover). Notice the abundance of pollution. Over 25 nukes were fired in the last dozen turns. If I hadn't disbanded my workers, they'd still be mopping up.
                            Attached Files
                            If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.


                            • #44
                              Space race victory, 1960, 2132 points

                              I played this one rather militarisitically, since the terrain was so poor I felt I couldn't just build my way to victory.

                              Unlike others here, I waited until I had run of of places to expand, and had horsemen, before I took on the Russians. They were fairly easy.

                              Near the end of that war, I contacted the Persians and the Romans. I traded techs with both, got their maps, and decided Rome was the easier target. I built a few galleys, arranged a Military Alliance with Persia, and attacked.

                              That went really badly. I just couldn't land enough horsemen at one time to deal with the Roman Legions, which are really pretty unpleasant. I did manage to mess up their iron supply, but really things didn't improve until I got Chivalry. Dumping 6-8 horsemen against the Legions was suicide; dumping 6-8 knights was easily enough to start rolling over the Roman cities.

                              After I conquered the Romans, I discovered that even though I had 4 luxuries, I couldn't ship them across the water! Each island only had 2. This is one of the few games where Astronomy was really meaningful. My situation improved greatly once I achieved Astronomy.

                              Eventually the English came calling, and from then on it was the typical Republican tech-brokering game. I did conquer the Persians once I got Panzers, mainly for the Golden Age, but I don't think that altered the course of the game much - except, of course, from the Persian point of view.

                              I notice that the starting positions for the Americans and English was much, much better than the German or Russian starting position. The Perisan and Roman starting positions weren't quite as good, but still much better than ours. In fact, the German starting position is easily the worst.

                              This is probably the most technologically backward game I've played, due of course to the terrain. I'm used to spaceship launches in the mid 18th century, not the mid 20th.

                              - Gus
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Space Race Victory (2047-- Just before the bell!) Score 1493. Tough damn game. Had to migrate south for a bit before starting. Archer wars with Russians for 5 millenia, bleh.
                                Attached Files

