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4th Apolyton Civ3 Tournament : 12-31/Jan/2002

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  • #16
    Download failure

    Um, okay, I've tried downloading this file about 20 times now. Added the zip extension; used two different unzip programs, even rebooted. Nothing.

    Every time it says this file seems not to be a valid archive file. It either is 0kb or 27kb, never makes it to the 32kb that the file says it should be as it is downloading. Did it get corrupted, or is this a quirk of my computer (I didn't have any trouble downloading winzip in the meantime.)???

    Thanks for any help!


    • #17
      Weird. I dl'd the file right now. changed the name from "attachment.php" to "" (Make sure it's not ""). But the strange thing is that upon extracting, the file is still called "attachment" but without extension (php, zip etc. etc.) By looking at the file through a normal textviewer I see the two first letters to be PK wich indicates that it is a new zip-file...Did you pack it twice? I extracted it once more and everything is fine.

      ZIPping twice is not a very good idea considering all the ppl having trouble finding out how zip works...

      I want to die in my sleep like my Grandfather, not crying and screaming like the passengers in his car!


      • #18
        see above for alternative download link
        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


        • #19
          Woah, this map is neat, and hard! I'm doing fine now, though
          The willow knows what the storm does not; that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it


          • #20
            MarkG -

            For future games, there is a program called Civ3CopyTool that has an option to remove huts from any map. Might save you a bit of time.


            • #21
              what exactly does "not re-loading" and using the autosave mean. and is this all working on the truth system?
              Never laugh at live dragons.
              B. Baggins


              • #22

                Thank you kindly, worked like a charm!

                And thanks much for all your work hosting this site and creating these tournaments for all of us to enjoy! It's nice to be able to compare results, rathet than just competing with the AI in a vacuum.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Solomyr
                  what exactly does "not re-loading"
                  that you dont load an older saved game in order to play again a part of the game
                  and using the autosave mean
                  see the options inside the game. when turned on, the game automatically keeps a saved game of each turn
                  and is this all working on the truth system?
                  on a large part, yes
                  Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                  Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
         my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                  • #24
                    Haa, first one to submit victory game

                    A spacerace victory at 2001 AD, with only 1493 points.

                    Didnt actually think i was going to make it to the final alive, so much warmongering was going on mostly by the "evil americans and treacherous persians", as the advisor says when they form a military alliance against me.

                    Peaceful approach was very hard because of the extra-difficult terrain, conquest/domination style players will do much better in this map (i think)

                    One other thing that made the game difficulty up few notches was the scarceness of resources - i mean uh - most of the time before the railroads i had NO IRON, and that was really painful. (i conquered the russians to get their iron near Moscow - but what happens... the iron exhausts only 3 turns after i grabbed it ! - aargh )

                    Good Game anyway
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      1993 space race 1620 points

                      this is the worst map i ever played on. the english build iron works in london so u can build no wonders(!). also there is only 1 pile of iron and uranium(which exhausted in 1 turn) in ur island. also no aluminum. the persians and english eliminated all other in my game(or left them in a single city). so i couldnt attack any civilization to increase the number of my cities. also there r like at most 10 grassland squares in the island where we r located. the rest is mountains hills desert and jungle.
                      I really wonder if that map is random, seems to me that it was specifically designed to be a tough one. The resources, terrains r not divided fairly. I didnt have a city of size 12 'til i researched steam power(!). No food all i did was building harbors and waiting for 10+ turn city growths when the pop is 6+. Also getting all food from sea kills production.
                      In the last turns of the game, the AI did something interested which i wanted to share. My uranium was exhausted and i had to build the fuel cells which required it. The english and persians have just eliminated americans so i built a settler and a transport to go there. the AI had artilleries there and it kept bombing the roads to prevent me from reaching the uranium. Made me lose like 5-6 turns.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by GhostQ; January 16, 2002, 08:47.


                      • #26
                        Re: 1993 space race 1620 points

                        Originally posted by GhostQ
                        this is the worst map i ever played on.
                        you mean to tell me that you liked it?

                        I really wonder if that map is random, seems to me that it was specifically designed to be a tough one.
                        it was random, but the wet climate, cool temperature, 3 bil. years combination created a rough terrain...
                        Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                        Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
               my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                        • #27
                          Small note for submitting games.

                          I helped MarkG out with the 2nd tournament and noticed a few things we who submit our save games can do to help him.

                          Firstly, before zipping, rename the savegame you are submitting so that your login shows in there. (its real hard to tell whose game this "Hammurabi of Babylonians 1260 AD" is when there are 20+ tournament games on your HD).

                          Secondly, when zipping, please dont use the "save full path info" option, because all of us dont have civ3 in /Gamezz/COOL/Civ3 path as you may do

                          Sorry if that sounds like blaming someone but these two small things will make MarkG's (or us santa's little helpers) life much easier when he will process this and future tournaments.


                          • #28
                            The map

                            Mark the map was real hard to deal with and I didnt like it =). Too hard to achieve any kind of militaristic victory, which I like most also gives the most points =). Also the starting locations of the Persians and English r too good. The English had Iron Works and all the wonders whereas Persians had like 10+ pop 12 cities, when I had none =(.
                            Anyway a very challenging map and game. Thanks for the fun. Now I'm going to try a conquest victory if im able.


                            • #29
                              Way too hard!!

                              Wow. Maybe it's just me but this map was a little too difficult and altogether unfair. The Americans, English, and Persians are punishing everyone and I am barely emerging as a half-way powerful Civ after a 3,000 year war with the Russians. I personally, don't see how anyone is winning on this map. This is the first tournament game I will probably finish. I'm going to post it whether I win or not (Hey, no one said you had to win to post right! ) Anyway, good luck to all.


                              • #30
                                The level is Monarch...but the terrain is Deity
                                Thank you Mark.
                                I'm having great fun with it (but won't tell anything in order not to spoil for anyone).
                                Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental

