It is my experience so far (I admit this experience is somewhat limited to around 7-10 full games. I an TRYING to fight the addiction right now...
) that defensive wars take a lot longer to affect your population's morale. If you don't have any troops in the enemy territory, war weariness might as well take 10 or more turns to show up. But, becoming the aggressor, even in wars that were declared TO you and not BY you, will speed the rising of unhappiness.
Great call on the late-game AI weaknesses. I would add the war tactics to the tech catching problem. I've always had a whole different kind o' success in my late wars, even when not having a tech lead. The AI tactics are very well designed for ancien wars, not so bad for middle ages wars and downright not good in the modern warfare (maybe that has to do with the lack of artillery use).
I admit that my urge to play all the time is somewhat reduced by the lack of ambiance in the game. I mean, the whole "feel like the leader" spirit is really there, but not the hatred for rival civs or twisted feeling resulting of using twisted strategies...hard to explain, but not too hard to understand, I hope!
see you later guys, happy civing!

Great call on the late-game AI weaknesses. I would add the war tactics to the tech catching problem. I've always had a whole different kind o' success in my late wars, even when not having a tech lead. The AI tactics are very well designed for ancien wars, not so bad for middle ages wars and downright not good in the modern warfare (maybe that has to do with the lack of artillery use).
I admit that my urge to play all the time is somewhat reduced by the lack of ambiance in the game. I mean, the whole "feel like the leader" spirit is really there, but not the hatred for rival civs or twisted feeling resulting of using twisted strategies...hard to explain, but not too hard to understand, I hope!
see you later guys, happy civing!