Alright. So I'm back to my plan of winning as every civ - yes, all 31, in the epic game on Monarch level.
Don't laugh. I switched to Monarch from Regent right before C3C came out and won two games easily, leading me to think it would be the switch to Emperor that made things really difficult.
But after playing Roman game after Roman game over this last week, I've come to the conclusion that the tactics I relied on might be less reliable now, or at least, must be implemented in a new way.
For a brief recap, the winning strat I had found in the "old game" (PTW) was: Build a shunbungaload of veteran warriors. Save about ~1000 gold. Upgrade to legionaries and use those bad boys to conquer ~3 neighbors, while slowly phasing in horsemen, knights and cavalry. The only ancient era wonders that really mattered to me were the Great Library, which always brought me about 4 techs and allowed me to eventually get in the lead, and the HG, which wasn't necessary but very, very nice indeed.
Eventually (generally too late) I would switch out of despotism, and the game would be more or less "won". Of course, I fought all those great cavalry wars, just to watch my empire grow.
Well, now things seem changed. First of all, there's ALL those wonders. Where does one start? A number of the new wonders are good - I finally built the Statue of Zeus and was VERY pleased with the AC unit.
But with all these new wonders, the wonder RACE itself is simply insane, and consequently, as all the AI civs tend to engage in it, I often end up with only the M of M built, which is nice, but I mean, come on. I can't even get my beloved GL built anymore...
...not that it would, seemingly, matter. I've focused almost entirely on trading techs and even running a deficit to stay in the lead, just desperately trying to get an SGL which I have yet to see even though I'm always first to Philosophy. Always. We're talking 15 games in a row where I get Philosophy first and no SGL.
In fact, I'm often - I'd say 50% of the time gaming - in the lead, tech wise, but I've yet to see one SGL. So, I've been prebuilding all these neat wonders. But I'm always beat out. In my last game, the Persians beat me to the Temple of Artemis by 4 TURNS!!!
As for the mass upgrade... well... it's a bit pricey now, isn't it? And combine that with the severe resource scarcity...
I often won't find iron, period, within my REXing ability - and I've been doing some good hardcore REXing. I will often find only one source of only one luxury, which really screws things up for me, badly, especially when I want to upgrade those warriors who have been protecting my cities and send them forth.
Well, anyhow, I'm trying a new strategy this weekend, and I'll see how it pans out. It involves these new tactics:
1. Keeping Philosophy to Myself. I got Philosophy and picked up Polytheism as the bonus tech. This time, I'm not going to trade these away. I don't have a single good city to build the Temple of Artemis with, really, but hopefully, with no other civ possessing these techs, they won't be building it anytime soon, either. Of course, I could still get beat overseas.
Normally I would trade these for HR, the tech that is going around that I don't have. Except for HR I have the tech lead, so I'm going to keep it I suppose.
2. Researching Construction at the 50-turn Rate. Construction at 90% research still seems ridiculously expensive. In my last game, it would've taken 35 turns, when I had a well-developed, large core. So this time, I'm going to research it at 50 turns and reap the financial rewards. I tried this in the last game and netted 25 gpt, which brought me to about ~2000 gold in reserves, enough money to upgrade my warriors (had I spent the time building them, but that's a different story).
The Greeks beat me to Construction by 8 turns, so I wasn't able to trade it - I don't think that'll be the case in my current game. The last game was the same one where I got beat to the Temple of Artemis and 1 city defected to the Zulus
thus inciting me to throw in the towel.
3. Skip the Great Library Is it really useful anymore? Many debated it's usefulness in PTW, but I sure didn't. Now, I'm not sure how useful it is really. Still probably pretty useful, given I'm surrounded by neighbors. But I think I'd rather have the Temple of Artemis.
4. Use the Same Old Tactics Anyways In the end, I'll probably just try a mass upgrade to legionaries (using money saved by research Construction at 50 turns) and try to kick some rear. This depends on my ability to find iron of course. I currently don't have any. I might have to upgrade to horsemen, which would, of course, suck. But c'est la vie.
Would anyone like to comment on these plans? Glaring flaws I'm overlooking? Success stories of your own in the epic game since C3C was released?
Please bear in mind I'm playing huge continent worlds here, with the max number of civs.
BTW, one other thing I'd like to throw out: it's nice to have those curraghs, isn't it?
Don't laugh. I switched to Monarch from Regent right before C3C came out and won two games easily, leading me to think it would be the switch to Emperor that made things really difficult.
But after playing Roman game after Roman game over this last week, I've come to the conclusion that the tactics I relied on might be less reliable now, or at least, must be implemented in a new way.
For a brief recap, the winning strat I had found in the "old game" (PTW) was: Build a shunbungaload of veteran warriors. Save about ~1000 gold. Upgrade to legionaries and use those bad boys to conquer ~3 neighbors, while slowly phasing in horsemen, knights and cavalry. The only ancient era wonders that really mattered to me were the Great Library, which always brought me about 4 techs and allowed me to eventually get in the lead, and the HG, which wasn't necessary but very, very nice indeed.
Eventually (generally too late) I would switch out of despotism, and the game would be more or less "won". Of course, I fought all those great cavalry wars, just to watch my empire grow.
Well, now things seem changed. First of all, there's ALL those wonders. Where does one start? A number of the new wonders are good - I finally built the Statue of Zeus and was VERY pleased with the AC unit.
But with all these new wonders, the wonder RACE itself is simply insane, and consequently, as all the AI civs tend to engage in it, I often end up with only the M of M built, which is nice, but I mean, come on. I can't even get my beloved GL built anymore...
...not that it would, seemingly, matter. I've focused almost entirely on trading techs and even running a deficit to stay in the lead, just desperately trying to get an SGL which I have yet to see even though I'm always first to Philosophy. Always. We're talking 15 games in a row where I get Philosophy first and no SGL.
In fact, I'm often - I'd say 50% of the time gaming - in the lead, tech wise, but I've yet to see one SGL. So, I've been prebuilding all these neat wonders. But I'm always beat out. In my last game, the Persians beat me to the Temple of Artemis by 4 TURNS!!!

As for the mass upgrade... well... it's a bit pricey now, isn't it? And combine that with the severe resource scarcity...
I often won't find iron, period, within my REXing ability - and I've been doing some good hardcore REXing. I will often find only one source of only one luxury, which really screws things up for me, badly, especially when I want to upgrade those warriors who have been protecting my cities and send them forth.
Well, anyhow, I'm trying a new strategy this weekend, and I'll see how it pans out. It involves these new tactics:
1. Keeping Philosophy to Myself. I got Philosophy and picked up Polytheism as the bonus tech. This time, I'm not going to trade these away. I don't have a single good city to build the Temple of Artemis with, really, but hopefully, with no other civ possessing these techs, they won't be building it anytime soon, either. Of course, I could still get beat overseas.
Normally I would trade these for HR, the tech that is going around that I don't have. Except for HR I have the tech lead, so I'm going to keep it I suppose.
2. Researching Construction at the 50-turn Rate. Construction at 90% research still seems ridiculously expensive. In my last game, it would've taken 35 turns, when I had a well-developed, large core. So this time, I'm going to research it at 50 turns and reap the financial rewards. I tried this in the last game and netted 25 gpt, which brought me to about ~2000 gold in reserves, enough money to upgrade my warriors (had I spent the time building them, but that's a different story).
The Greeks beat me to Construction by 8 turns, so I wasn't able to trade it - I don't think that'll be the case in my current game. The last game was the same one where I got beat to the Temple of Artemis and 1 city defected to the Zulus

3. Skip the Great Library Is it really useful anymore? Many debated it's usefulness in PTW, but I sure didn't. Now, I'm not sure how useful it is really. Still probably pretty useful, given I'm surrounded by neighbors. But I think I'd rather have the Temple of Artemis.
4. Use the Same Old Tactics Anyways In the end, I'll probably just try a mass upgrade to legionaries (using money saved by research Construction at 50 turns) and try to kick some rear. This depends on my ability to find iron of course. I currently don't have any. I might have to upgrade to horsemen, which would, of course, suck. But c'est la vie.
Would anyone like to comment on these plans? Glaring flaws I'm overlooking? Success stories of your own in the epic game since C3C was released?
Please bear in mind I'm playing huge continent worlds here, with the max number of civs.
BTW, one other thing I'd like to throw out: it's nice to have those curraghs, isn't it?