Replies to everybody (including my fellow citizen):
You're right: the glitch is in my head: Smith TC pays for all trade-related city improvements. By now, I have Wall Street.
This is Sir Ralph's game (his thread 'By By PTW'): Huge, Emperor, Germany, continents, 24 civs.
The militaristic and scientific traits are irrelevant in this game. I could have afforded to pay all my barracks and harbours 100% of their price without putting a dent in my stockpile of gold (BTW, I don't have Sun Tsu, I only have Leo). As for a free tech each Age, I already had a 2 techs advance by the end of the Ancient Times.
My income is the direct consequence of 'clever' trading and building all gold-bringing improvements.
If only I had the French or Carthage ...
I have now about 40 cities (should count them one day) because I got 3 Russian cities (declared war and expanded a bit south) and conquered all of England in 2 wars (they declared war 2 times).
I am researching at 6 round/tech (the min. in this game is 5 round).
I sit on all this cash (by now I have about 48'000 gold) just because:
1. I still trade every 2-3 turns and milk all other civs dry (just to keep practice, that is).
2. I have a not-too-large military (108 Cavalry 1 + 1 Infantry/city).
3. I'd like to top my previous record of gold before I finish the game.
4. I can't rush anything else. My core cities are building cavalry, which is disbanded in my fringe cities. If I were to rush improvements in my fringe cities, I'd had to put my core cities on wealth...
No 2 civ is (was) England and no 3 is (still) Spain (all on my continent, which includes Rome (pitiful), the Celts (lost a war with the English, down to 1 island, Russia (average) and Carthage (I think, long gone). For once the the AI managed to play these 2 civs very well.
I hope to finish this game by next Monday, so I'll post mome pics and comments on my 'Emperor games' thread.
You're right: the glitch is in my head: Smith TC pays for all trade-related city improvements. By now, I have Wall Street.
This is Sir Ralph's game (his thread 'By By PTW'): Huge, Emperor, Germany, continents, 24 civs.
The militaristic and scientific traits are irrelevant in this game. I could have afforded to pay all my barracks and harbours 100% of their price without putting a dent in my stockpile of gold (BTW, I don't have Sun Tsu, I only have Leo). As for a free tech each Age, I already had a 2 techs advance by the end of the Ancient Times.
My income is the direct consequence of 'clever' trading and building all gold-bringing improvements.
If only I had the French or Carthage ...
I have now about 40 cities (should count them one day) because I got 3 Russian cities (declared war and expanded a bit south) and conquered all of England in 2 wars (they declared war 2 times).
I am researching at 6 round/tech (the min. in this game is 5 round).
I sit on all this cash (by now I have about 48'000 gold) just because:
1. I still trade every 2-3 turns and milk all other civs dry (just to keep practice, that is).
2. I have a not-too-large military (108 Cavalry 1 + 1 Infantry/city).
3. I'd like to top my previous record of gold before I finish the game.
4. I can't rush anything else. My core cities are building cavalry, which is disbanded in my fringe cities. If I were to rush improvements in my fringe cities, I'd had to put my core cities on wealth...
No 2 civ is (was) England and no 3 is (still) Spain (all on my continent, which includes Rome (pitiful), the Celts (lost a war with the English, down to 1 island, Russia (average) and Carthage (I think, long gone). For once the the AI managed to play these 2 civs very well.
I hope to finish this game by next Monday, so I'll post mome pics and comments on my 'Emperor games' thread.