Here's a .bix with my settings, using the graduated tech cost scaling I described earlier. For the 1.25x cost techs, I rounded in the direction of an even number when faced with a choice, so Philosophy is cost 8 and Literature and Code of Laws are cost 12. Note that I replaced the Standard map size with my 250x250 monster; I figured I'd leave room to add two smaller and two larger sizes later on the off chance that I might want to someday. Dominae should be able to add a custom map to this to set up our official scenario, and the .bix can also be used as is to generate your own monster map games with whatever settings you want. (If someone wants to experiment with how well my tech settings work, you're welcome to; I'd love to do it myself but I won't have time.) Note that this is based on standard rules, not on the AU Mod.