Ok, let's get the ball rolling. The basic point of this thread is to explore the various ways the human player can best use the Germans to win, under any victory conditions.
The first question is, what to do with the Germans in the early game?
If you are playing against few civs, the answer to me seems obvious: take out your neighbors with an archer rush. That keeps 'em good and crippled, and maybe you can wipe them out and pull an "Arrian's Deception".
But what if you're surrounded by swarming expansionists? How do you keep up with tech? REXing? Culture?
Basically, I'd like everyone's input on their first moves as the Germans, what land they hope they find or can live with, what wonders/improvements they aim for, the amount of military activity prior to the medival era and the basic approach towards Germany's neighbors.
On a huge map with max # of civs, my early warfare has consistently failed. It's bogged me down in terms of development and I remain outstripped in research and culture. Also, my warfare is effective but not effective -enough-. So I'd like some pointers.
The first question is, what to do with the Germans in the early game?
If you are playing against few civs, the answer to me seems obvious: take out your neighbors with an archer rush. That keeps 'em good and crippled, and maybe you can wipe them out and pull an "Arrian's Deception".
But what if you're surrounded by swarming expansionists? How do you keep up with tech? REXing? Culture?
Basically, I'd like everyone's input on their first moves as the Germans, what land they hope they find or can live with, what wonders/improvements they aim for, the amount of military activity prior to the medival era and the basic approach towards Germany's neighbors.
On a huge map with max # of civs, my early warfare has consistently failed. It's bogged me down in terms of development and I remain outstripped in research and culture. Also, my warfare is effective but not effective -enough-. So I'd like some pointers.
