> Fourth, the Americans trigger GAs with Wonders more easily because they're Industrious (faster builds, on average).
Not as simple as you put it here. From the middle ages and on, your developed cities in a commercial civ should produce about the same amount as an industrial civ. It is reduced corruption vs bonus production (btw, does anyone know if the bonus production/trade is subject to corruption?).
And as you build your wonders in your developed cities, it shouldn't matter that the cities not as developed produces a little less.
Of course, I do belong in the small group of people that actually ranks commercial quite high, I feel that my empire produces so much more than it would have otherwise
Have anyone did a study comparing two identical civs, one commercial and one something else (no industrial), on identical maps, just to see just how much more *production* and money the commercial civ gets, on different sizes of the civ (say, up till OCN*2 or something similar)
Not as simple as you put it here. From the middle ages and on, your developed cities in a commercial civ should produce about the same amount as an industrial civ. It is reduced corruption vs bonus production (btw, does anyone know if the bonus production/trade is subject to corruption?).
And as you build your wonders in your developed cities, it shouldn't matter that the cities not as developed produces a little less.
Of course, I do belong in the small group of people that actually ranks commercial quite high, I feel that my empire produces so much more than it would have otherwise

Have anyone did a study comparing two identical civs, one commercial and one something else (no industrial), on identical maps, just to see just how much more *production* and money the commercial civ gets, on different sizes of the civ (say, up till OCN*2 or something similar)