On Emperor level, I've had the most success beating the AI to the following ancient era techs:
1. Writing when starting as a Commerical Civ. 100% succesful. When Non-commerical: 0% successful.
2. Polytheism. 33% successful.
3. Monarchy. So far allways successful if and only if #2 is succesful.
In the Middle Ages, pre FP I've had the most success reserach Printing Press first. 80% successful.
Next most successful without the FP is Chivary: 20% successful.
Post FP, I very quickly acquire a branch lead, and two times have left the AI in the dust in the Industrial era. (Defined as getting a 1/4th era or more lead.) My smallest tech lead at the end of the game was parity with 1 modern era main branch, and a 1 tech lead in each of the other branches.
1. Writing when starting as a Commerical Civ. 100% succesful. When Non-commerical: 0% successful.
2. Polytheism. 33% successful.
3. Monarchy. So far allways successful if and only if #2 is succesful.
In the Middle Ages, pre FP I've had the most success reserach Printing Press first. 80% successful.
Next most successful without the FP is Chivary: 20% successful.
Post FP, I very quickly acquire a branch lead, and two times have left the AI in the dust in the Industrial era. (Defined as getting a 1/4th era or more lead.) My smallest tech lead at the end of the game was parity with 1 modern era main branch, and a 1 tech lead in each of the other branches.