Why does the AI build a Coal Plant when a Hydro Plant can be built instead? And then why does it build a Hydro Plant as soon as it’s done with the Coal Plant?!
Coal Plant 160shields
Hydro Plant 240shields
And then evaluates the 2 plants on pollution (and probably production). If the potential plant has lower pollution then it gets built...
Coal Plant 2pollution
Hydro Plant 0 pollution
I would have thought pollution would be considered 1st, but then if someone made a 'Super Plant' costing 2400shields & -2 pollution the AI would build that 1st instead... but why worry about that if it throws off the original game? From Beta Testing they probably found Coal Plants available when Hydro Plants were not & therefore never saw this problem.
The AI probably does not build Nuclear Plants due their explosion risk... the AI has enough things to worry about.
Why does the AI build regular units in newly founded cities of a large empire when veteran defenders can easily be brought from elsewhere?
Why doesn't the AI switch production in its cities unless it's for a Wonder that has already been built? It should check and possibly reassign production when it learns a new technology, if not every turn. Extra bonus: could the AI be made to use pre-builds like us humans?