Every civ3 player has gone through the crisis of war. Hopefully this will help newbies on the topic mentioned above.
Lets work on the first one: How.
First of all, Let me point out that Im new to Apolyton.net, so if any of this has been written before, i just haven't got around to reading it.
Before going to war, make sure that you MUST go to war. I mean for a good reason. Like taking an important resource/luxery/strategic choke point.
let's say that the americans have horses and iron. You have iron but no horses. Should you attack? Yes. No question about it . Yes. Horses will be your only ticket to fast non UUs through the first two ages. You have iron. all those useless warriors can be turned into valueable swordsmen. [even more valueable in the expansion pack.] if america is your neighbor,send about 4 swordsmen and 4 spearmen with them. Have the spearmen move in front front of the swordsmen like this:
Sw-1 move-sp
do this four abrest. move the spearmen around the city you want to conquer so they can cover the swords men who can attack the next turn.
Optional: land another group with only spear men on the other end of the empire a turn or 2 earlier as a decoy. The tips in the thread Surgical Wars can work in any era if used properly.
Also, decide what cities you want to gain and set yourself a time limit to perform.
Some civs are better at warfare in different ages than others[i think each civ should have1UU per age]. this is my theory on this.
Aztechs: If your going to go to, do it right away.
Greek:Hopolites are a tough nut to crack, and make great Swordsmen escorts.
Egypt: I Dunno, maybe the middle ages. Their UU isn't to great.
French: You're goig to go to war as the French?!!
maybe prehistoric, with a lotta luck
Germans: Those Panzers kick serious butt and are great with marines and infintry. Definetly industrial age
Zulu: Ancient No question.
Japanese: Those Samouri rock. Attack in the middle age before cavelry.
Chinese: I've heard the rider acclaimed, but I thik it should be used as a roads worst enemy in the middle ages
Persia: Immortels rule Hands down[thumbs up].
Don't even think about fighting them unless you have cavelry[just to be safe
] If you are persia cripple your foes in the prehistoric age.
Russia:Cavelry rule the late middle ages and cossacks provide the bost to a attack at that time.
America: F-16s are too little too late Try to avoid war with america
English:A UU boat ? get real! you better off throwing marshmellows at your enemies
use knights/pikemen to destroy your foes.
Rome :Leigons are worth building from scratch. Nail your target once you get them
Iriquios: Mounted warriors are so-so hit em hard in the prehistoric age
Indians: What is the point of war elephant? Wait until cavelry
Babylon: I personally think you should avoid war with them
I know i'm missing one I just can't remember which one.
I touched on this earlier and now i'll dwell on it some more. namely Decoy attacks.
A decoy of four defenceive units[ie spearmen, pikemen, infintry,mech infintry] landed on the opposite end of the ai empire a turn or so before the main assult[ in a far away location] can be a very good well decoy.
Once again I will reccomend Surgical Wars thread for more info.
Sorry about the typos and spell mistakes and remember try to stay out of war if possible.
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Lets work on the first one: How.
First of all, Let me point out that Im new to Apolyton.net, so if any of this has been written before, i just haven't got around to reading it.
Before going to war, make sure that you MUST go to war. I mean for a good reason. Like taking an important resource/luxery/strategic choke point.
let's say that the americans have horses and iron. You have iron but no horses. Should you attack? Yes. No question about it . Yes. Horses will be your only ticket to fast non UUs through the first two ages. You have iron. all those useless warriors can be turned into valueable swordsmen. [even more valueable in the expansion pack.] if america is your neighbor,send about 4 swordsmen and 4 spearmen with them. Have the spearmen move in front front of the swordsmen like this:
Sw-1 move-sp
do this four abrest. move the spearmen around the city you want to conquer so they can cover the swords men who can attack the next turn.
Optional: land another group with only spear men on the other end of the empire a turn or 2 earlier as a decoy. The tips in the thread Surgical Wars can work in any era if used properly.
Also, decide what cities you want to gain and set yourself a time limit to perform.
Some civs are better at warfare in different ages than others[i think each civ should have1UU per age]. this is my theory on this.
Aztechs: If your going to go to, do it right away.
Greek:Hopolites are a tough nut to crack, and make great Swordsmen escorts.
Egypt: I Dunno, maybe the middle ages. Their UU isn't to great.
French: You're goig to go to war as the French?!!

Germans: Those Panzers kick serious butt and are great with marines and infintry. Definetly industrial age
Zulu: Ancient No question.
Japanese: Those Samouri rock. Attack in the middle age before cavelry.
Chinese: I've heard the rider acclaimed, but I thik it should be used as a roads worst enemy in the middle ages

Persia: Immortels rule Hands down[thumbs up].

Russia:Cavelry rule the late middle ages and cossacks provide the bost to a attack at that time.
America: F-16s are too little too late Try to avoid war with america
English:A UU boat ? get real! you better off throwing marshmellows at your enemies

Rome :Leigons are worth building from scratch. Nail your target once you get them
Iriquios: Mounted warriors are so-so hit em hard in the prehistoric age
Indians: What is the point of war elephant? Wait until cavelry
Babylon: I personally think you should avoid war with them
I know i'm missing one I just can't remember which one.
I touched on this earlier and now i'll dwell on it some more. namely Decoy attacks.
A decoy of four defenceive units[ie spearmen, pikemen, infintry,mech infintry] landed on the opposite end of the ai empire a turn or so before the main assult[ in a far away location] can be a very good well decoy.

Sorry about the typos and spell mistakes and remember try to stay out of war if possible.
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